Meekness is not Weakness


This is a word that many have mis-understood. I was one of them. I have thought that meekness was a negative word that meant to show weakness or described a  person who was push-over! Someone who was eaisly taken advantage of. No – I was wrong.

Meekness – when used in scripture – means this:

1.  Gentleness. This is one of the fruits of the spirit. Am I gentle when dealing with others?

2. Good Manners. Gentleness means that you use good manners when around others – including family.

3. Self Discipline. Am I characterized by being a person of Self Discipline. What am I like when no one sees? Do I have physical examples of a life that is not self disciplined with food etc… Do I study to show myself approved unto God – rightly dividing the word of truth? Am I self Disciplined? If not – then meekness is lacking in me – for meekness is strenght under control.

4. Quietly submitting myself to God. Does what I say show my quietness in spirit regarding any issue in life – or am I most often “mouthy” about my perticular circumstances. Do I complain about it alot to others? I am to “be still and know that He is God.”

5. Meekness is not freting over what other evil men do. Am I a person who does not fret because I am still –  and trusting the God who is sovereign? (Ps. 37:1, 3-5,7-8)

6. A meek person will delight in the Lord. They can delight themselves in what God has put before them as a wonderful meal place on the lap of a child. Do I delight in what God has prepaired for me (My business – family – Job – whatever…)  or am I complaining about what is put before me? Am I quiet about it and still? Many christians will fight for more stuff and fail to enjoy what they already  have. MAN – I really need to stop my complaining and moaning. It must offend God.

For more scripture on this read –  Phil. 1:27 – 2:2-4 – 2:14-16 – 2:21

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2 Responses to Meekness is not Weakness

  1. Loren Hilse says:

    I actually decided to produce a quick video about this, I would be appreciative if you would possibly take a moment to look it and perhaps leave a comment about what you think, I left the video url in the “website” field, hopefully you can access it, thank you a lot

  2. I actually decided to make a simple video about this, I would be honored if you would possibly take a minute to check it and perhaps leave a comment about what you think, I left the movie link in the “website” field, hopefully you can access it, thanks a lot

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