America – Here it comes!

Matt. 12:43-50

When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none. Then he says,”I will return to my house from which I came.” And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell  there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation.

America has been exposed to the gospel.  There is a church on every corner. Some churches are correct in their message while others are not. But even though the church is very flawed, America – for the most part – has rejected the ‘True” message of the gift of salvation and has exchanged it for the new message of tolerance.  We have turned our back on the true message of the gospel  and have created a new message of Jesus will meet all your felt needs – as if He is some magic genie in some box! We have done so because of a sinful heart. Could it be  because churches are in massive debt and must get Butts in the pews to pay the debts – thus watering down the message and making it more “Friendly”? I think So!



So…  now that we have a mixture of the truth and a mixture of worldliness and tolerance  in our churches – and the message is entirely different that what the Bible actually teaches, what is to come next? I believe that Judgement is here at the door.

I believe that based on the text, America has experienced a “Cleansing” but its result was an empty – but clean – house. What I mean is this… Yes – we have had moral reform to some level years ago. (1950’s and before) This was when the church was more or less – teaching the correct gospel. But today the modern church that is preaching a false Gospel (the message that Jesus makes you healthy – wealthy and wise – and shows up with wonders – and that he is tolerant of other approaches to God)  is filling up by the droves!

The problem as I see it,  is when someone attempts moral reform without ever being indwelt by the Holy Spirit -which is attached to “letting the mind of Christ dwell in you richly.” (The mind of Christ is the Word Of God) External Reform apart from regeneration is never effective and eventually reverts Back to behaviors that are worse than before. I have known many who have become part of the Modern church only to eventually revert back to their old ways – leaving the church. The end is worse that the beginning! Many Americans are religious and many attend church – but their lives are far from being Holy. They are not characterized by sanctification (the work of God)  but rather sinful secret sins. Are these people “Really” God’s people? Do God’s children “Really” act – and look like everyone else, or are we only seeing the tares as compared to the real Wheat. Matt. 3:12, 13:24-30

No one knows the heart of a man… even the man himself.  God knows! We are all sinners and have all walked the path of hypocrisy at some point. But what are you characterized by. Obedience – or hypocrisy.

I believe that this nations condition is partly due to the weak leadership of the church. The compromise it has allowed in many areas of church message and church government.  We have allowed the worlds opinions to influence the decisions and now is the time to see the “fruit” of those decisions. Thus I believe that Judgement will come on the false house of God first. Ezekiel 24:13-14, 7:8-9

No false Christian will be able to  strengthen himself against the wrath of God who lives in his iniquity. Ezekiel 7:13b

Wrath will come to:




1. Those who are continually disobedient to God. Lev. 26:14-16 2 Chr. 7:19-20

2. Those who practice Idolatry 2 Kings 22:17 Jer. 16:18

3. Characterized by Iniquity Is. 26:21 Ezek. 24:13-14




Judgement should lead to;

1. Humiliation Josh 7:6 2 Chr. 12:6

2. Prayer 2 Chr. 20:9

3. Contrition Heb 1:4, Ester 4:3 Is 22:12

4. Learning Righteousness  Ish. 26:9




Can be averted by:

1. Humiliation Ex 33:3-4, 14, 2 Chr. 7:14

2. Prayer Judg. 3:9-11 2 Chr 7:13-14

3. Forsaking iniquity Jer. 18:7-8

4. Doing proper loving Church discipline 1 Cor. 5:3-5 1 Cor. 5:13 1 Tim. 1:20     Heb. 13:17 2 Cor. 2:6-8  (and many others)




I am not one of those weirdos who loves the judgement of God. I do Love God and Judgement is part of who He is – but I would prefer repentance and a heart that is contrite before a Holy God. He honors this humble spirit within a man but rejects any other approach.



America  – and those who are the religious majority – Repent of your sins and reject any message that is not in line with the Holy Scriptures – The Bible. Study it and be changed by the mind of the living God.  Perhaps God will turn away from the wrath that is to come.

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41 Responses to America – Here it comes!

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