The Sovereignty of God- Is it Fair

How is the Election of God Fair?

As taken from John MacArthur’s Study Bible, Sermons, as well as from Unconditional Election written by Earl Blackburn


Compiled with comments by Tim Gowens


Before I proceed to write about the Fairness of God in Election, which is a most difficult doctrine, I want to state that I currently struggle with this doctrine – perhaps more than any other – but have come to the place where I am trusting God with it. Here are some questions that I have had regarding Predestination, Foreknowledge, Election, and being “Called” of God, and the Choice of God. I will state the questions and answer them in separate blogs – according to what the Bible has said. It is up to God to convince the fallen heart of man of anything true. My prayer is that He will bring many to a deeper closer walk of Trust in His perfect sinless state.

1.     How can God Pass over some and choose others and hold the persons who He did not choose accountable for their sin?

2.     If God Elects some and passes over others, how is this Fair? I always thought God was a fair and Just God!

3.     Scripture says that He is not willing for any to die but for all to come to repentance. How does this line up with election?

4.     The Doctrine of Election must not be true because it goes against man’s free will. Does man have a free will?

5.     Isn’t salvation offered to All mankind? Did not God say for us to go into the entire world and preach the Gospel? If predestination and election is accurate, then why should we evangelize, if God has already chosen those who will come to know Him – what’s the point?

6.     Has God limited Himself and His ability to know what man will choose? Is open Theism a valid doctrine?

7.     There are apparently errors in the Bible since scripture seems to teach both opposing views. Is the Bible without error? If so, then how can there be opposing views in scripture?

8.     I have always been taught that God Loves Everybody? How can a loving God predestine anyone to Hell?

9.     Since scripture teaches both the Sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man, should I choose a Side?

10. If the Doctrine of Election is true, then why and how should I evangelize others?


Before I attempt to answer any question regard the doctrine of Election, I want to make some very important points as a platform to spring from. If you disagree with these points, you will only find that you will become angry and frustrated. I know that I certainly did – until I asked God to help me, thru the study of His word. I sought after Him and He answered for He is not far from any of us (the elect).  You should consider if you really want to proceed because this is a very difficult subject. What was the result of the Lord’s teaching on the subject of election? Did the people rejoice? Did they respond favorably? Luke 4:16-30 tell us they “were filled with wrath” and sought to kill Him.


1.     The doctrine of Election and predestination was almost an assumed position in the early church and Paul’s day. It is stated so often as an assumed position with no explanation or apology.  It is most difficult for us now, because we as Americans have been brought up in a society where having a sovereign King is foreign to us. We are the masters of our fate – the captain of the ship, but are we really?

2.     What I feel or don’t understand does not change the only source of truth – God’s Word! My mind, will and feelings, and nature are completely fallen. It was completely dead before Christ, but now I am alive in Him. (Romans 8) I still have residual fallen nature  – even as a mature child of God.  (Romans 7)

3.     I cannot design God to be something that I have created in my fallen mind. I cannot make God into my own image. He is completely different and higher than all my ways and thoughts. (Is. 55:8-9) I am to bow to Him! He does not have to explain Himself to me. (Job cp 38-42)

4.     Because I am corrupted in all my nature, I must be willing to expose myself to the only source that is uncorrupted – Scripture. I must be willing to spend my time studying it – and submitting to it. If I am not truly a student of God’s word then I really don’t have a place to argue!

5.     This doctrine offends many because it is a direct assault to pride and ego.

6.     I cannot expect a person who is not a believer to understand this doctrine. Nor can I expect a person who may be a believer – but stuck in his prideful condition, to accept this doctrine. I should expect Persecution to be the end result – since pride is at stake. Pride never dies easily – apart from the work of God in a person’s heart.


The Question?

How is the Election of God Fair?


What we are really asking is, is there unrighteousness with God?

The Answer as I see it is:

The bottom line is that God does what He does because it ultimately will bring Himself glory. God always does what is Right, Perfect, and what will glorify Him.


For me to believe anything else is to say that the perfect God who created everything, is somehow flawed and unfair. Well… it is not that He is flawed and unfair! All that He does is right and perfect – because He IS right and perfect in all His ways.  I am the one who is flawed and unfair. How can I – or anyone else born of a woman, say to God that because I don’t fully understand, (because we view His actions from a place of fallen ness- even as believers) that He is somehow wrong in His choice?


My choice and “Free will” will never be independent of God’s will. God teaches all throughout scripture that He alone is the author of life. (Job, chapters 38-42) How can a clay pot say to the one who made it – “Why did you make me this way?” (Romans 9) I have no right to question anything when it comes to the decisions of a perfect God who makes those decisions from a will that is independent from me. I must be fully taught and understand how dead we really are before Christ. Without an understanding of the doctrine of human depravity, we cannot begin to grasp even a little of what the scripture teaches regarding election!


“Why” is completely bound up in His eternal will. That is a place I cannot go – and perhaps can never fully understand –even in Heaven! I must come to the place where I fully trust Him.


Here what Paul wrote in regards to this issue in Romans 9. (Emphasis mine)

14 What shall we say then?  Is there unrighteousness with God? Certainly not! 15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion.” 16 So then it is not of him who wills, nor of him who runs, but of God who shows mercy. 17 For the Scripture says to the Pharaoh, “For this very purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.” 18 Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills, and whom He wills He hardens.

19 You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?” 20 But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Does not the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump to make  one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?

22 What if God, wanting to show His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath prepared for destruction, 23 and that He might make known the riches of His glory on the vessels of mercy, which He had prepared beforehand for glory, 24 even us whom He  called, not of the Jews only, but also of the Gentiles?

25 As He says also in Hosea: “I will call them My people, who were not My people, And her beloved, who was not beloved.” “And it shall come to pass in the place where it was said to them, You are not My people,There they shall be called sons of the living God.” 27 Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel: “Though the number of the children of Israel be as the sand of the sea, The remnant will be saved.


The correct question to ask is:


Why would God show mercy on anyone?


The answer is found in verse 23. Because He wanted to show His great Mercy on those whom He chose, before He ever created the world.


I have come to conclude that God’s choice to show mercy and to demonstrate wrath, are both equally beautiful  – for the both come from Him! How He chooses, and on whom He chooses, is wrapped up in the eternal will of God – and I cannot know that. I am to trust Him, as Isaac did when his father Abraham was told by God to offer him up as a sacrifice.


Do you trust Him like this? This level of faith is a gift from God. Ask Him to give you the faith to trust Him at His word.


Want more Study on this topic?


Look up the following passages and slowly read them. Let them sink into your heart.



The nature of election

1. Election is the work of God from eternity (Eph.1:4,5;2 Thess. 2:13; 2 Tim. 1:9). God’s election did not come into effect after we chose Christ, but before we chose Christ. God’s choice of us preceded our choice of Him and His choice was before the foundation of the world. According to Rev. 17:8 the Lamb’s Book of Life was written before time began.

2. Election is sovereign and unconditional. God did not choose sinners because He saw they would repent and believe (foreseen faith) or in response to any other work they would do; instead He chose sinners to salvation according to His good pleasure (Eph.1:5 and 2:8-9; Rom. 9:11). 1 Peter 1:2 points out that election was “unto” obedience, not because of some act(s) of obedience on the part of sinners.

3. Election concerns individuals (Acts13:48; Rom.9:11).Paul says to the believers in Thessalonica, “knowing, beloved brethren, you election by God,” (1 Thess. 1:4).

4. The final aim of election is God’s glory and it is the work of His delight (Eph.1:4-6). God chose some and passed by others according to His own good pleasure, so that at the last He alone would be glorified (1 Cor. 1:30-31)

5. It is just (Rom. 9:16, 20-21). All that the infinitely holy God of heaven and earth does is just and good. While men in their partiality would choose people because of social status, position, economic state, appearance, etc…, God was not affected by any of these considerations. He did not choose individuals to be recipients of His salvation because of any good or because of any evil He saw in them. He was totally just in His election.

6. Election is not limited to Jews or to any other particular nationality, but extends to people of every race, tribe and language (Rom.9:24). Men may be proud of race, face, place, and grace (as the Jews were), but these things gain no favor with the Almighty. He has His chosen ones in every class and stratum of society, form every nation (Rev. 5:9).

7. The sovereign choosing of specific, unworthy sinners to salvation by God is unchangeable and effectual. The Lord does not add to or delete from His chosen. Their number was immutable fixed in eternity past. All of the elect shall be saved and shall enter into glory at last (Rom. 8:28-30; 2 Tim 2:19) As the Savior has said, “This is the will of the Father who sent me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day.” ( John 6:39)

8. This doctrine was taught not only by Paul the Apostle, but by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. As the Savior began His ministry, one of the first sermons He preached was in the synagogue in Nazareth (see Luke 4:16-30). Jesus told of how God passed by all of the widows in Israel during Elijah’s day and sent the prophet to a heathen widow in Zarephath (v.26). What is this if  it is not election? It is God passing by a multitude and showing grace and favor to the most undeserving and unworthy! Christ continues to expound the sovereign and distinguishing grace of God in the next verse (v.27) when He declares there were “many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and not of them was cleansed except Naaman the Syrian.” Again Christ illustrated the fact that God passes by many to show mercy to one! What was the result of the Lord’s teaching on the subject of election? Did the people rejoice? Did they respond favorably? Verses 28-29 tell us they “were filled with wrath” and sought to kill Him. That same type of response is often encountered today when God’s men and people faithfully proclaim the truth. The spirit that is filled with anger and wrath at the doctrine of election is not the Spirit of Christ, but of the rebellious human heart. Our Lord taught election in other sections of Scripture also (see Matt. 11:25-27; John 6:37, 39 & 15:16,19) One must not try to set Christ against Paul or vice versa; Paul preached that which he received from Christ his Redeemer. As C.H. Spurgeon once said, “It is not novelty, then, that I am preaching no new doctrine. I love to proclaim these strong old doctrines that are called by nickname, Calvinism, but which are surely and verily that revealed truth of God as it is in Christ Jesus.”

9. Election becomes evident in time and affects all phases of a believer’s life. The believers in the church at Thessalonica were told to know and be assured of their election of God. (1 Thess. 1:4). Just as individuals were chosen in eternity past to be saved, they shall in time be called to receive that salvation (2 Thess. 2:13-14), which shall change and affect every aspect of their lives. This is clearly seen in Paul’s injunction to the Colossians “as the elect of God, holy and beloved,…” (Col. 3:12-4:6). Areas which would be wrought upon by God’s electing grace were: the believer’s heart and mind before God, his relationship with his fellow man and brethren, his marriage and family, and his work. Every sphere of life is covered. It must be noted that holiness is a mark of all of God’s elect, blood-washed people. If there is no holiness, there is no salvation, nor election! That is why Peter tells us to make our calling and election sure (2 Pet. 1:5-11).

10. Lastly, as the nature of election, it is not only a choosing unto salvation, but also to vocation and service. Christ chose twelve apostles (John 6:70), and Paul was chosen into special service (Acts 9:15,16 & 17:26). We too will be place into our special area of service. We are to shine the light where we can and make sure we fully understand whom it is that we serve – being faithful to study and rightly divide the Word of Truth.

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18 Responses to The Sovereignty of God- Is it Fair

  1. Dave Dowling says:

    Predestination & foreknowledge are definitely hard topics to understand. The great things to remember are these:

    1. God is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.
    2. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe that God has raised Him from the dead, you WILL be saved.

    If you are saved by this simple faith in Jesus, you are predestined and foreknown. The two go hand in hand. Yes, of course God knows every person who will accept this perfect gift of salvation, and He knows those who will not. His omniscience has no bearing on whether or not we can be saved. It simply means that God knows everything.

    Praise God for His grace and mercy, offering us this gift of salvation and eternal life in His family, and a way to escape the punishment for our sins! Praise His Son, Jesus Christ, for making a way for salvation by sacrificing Himself on our behalf!

    • admin says:

      Let me state for all to know – I love you like my own brother and have for years and will continue!

      The Verse you mentioned in number “1” is 2 Peter 3:9

      9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

      It was explained to me this way…
      longsuffering toward us
      “Us” is the saved, the people of God. He waits for them to be saved. God has an immense capacity for patience before He breaks forth in judgment (cf. v. 15; Joel 2:13; Luke 15:20; Rom. 9:22; 1 Pet. 3:15). God endures endless blasphemies against His name, along with rebellion, murders, and the ongoing breaking of His law, waiting patiently while He is calling and redeeming His own. It is not impotence or slackness that delays final judgment; it is patience.
      not willing that any should perish.
      The “any” must refer to those whom the Lord has chosen and will call to complete the redeemed, i.e., the “us.” Since the whole passage is about God’s destroying the wicked, his patience is not so He can save all of them, but so that He can receive all His own. He can’t be waiting for everyone to be saved, since the emphasis is that He will destroy the world and the ungodly. Those who do perish and go to hell, go because they are depraved and worthy only of hell and have rejected the only remedy, Jesus Christ, not because they were created for hell and predetermined to go there. The path to damnation is the path of a non-repentant heart; it is the path of one who rejects the person and provision of Jesus Christ and holds on to sin (cf. Is. 55:1; Jer. 13:17; Ezek. 18:32; Matt. 11:28; 13:37; Luke 13:3; John 3:16; 8:21,24; 1 Tim. 2:3,4; Rev. 22:17).
      all should come to repentance.
      “All” (cf. “us,” “any”) must refer to all who are God’s people who will come to Christ to make up the full number of the people of God. The reason for the delay in Christ’s coming and the attendant judgments is not because He is slow to keep His promise, or because He wants to judge more of the wicked, or because He is impotent in the face of wickedness. He delays His coming because He is patient and desires the time for His people to repent.
      MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville

      You stated that “If you are saved by this simple faith in Jesus, you are predestined and foreknow. Yes, of course God knows every person who will accept this perfect gift of salvation, and He knows those who will not.
      This puts the decision of predestination and being foreknow on the will of the sinner and his ability to choose. I believe we are completely unable to choose due to our complete and total depraved – totally dead nature outside of Christ. The only freedom we have (or the term free will) is the path of sin we will follow and the depth in which we will go. Other than this… man has no choice for he is bound in death and sin. (Paul taught this all throughout the NT) Only God can awake the sinners heart from death and grant the faith to believe – and He does so only to those whom He chose before the foundation of the world – and only through the correct preaching of the Gospel. So then it is God who gets the glory for Salvation and not the sinner. None of us can choose – in our death and sin, no more than a dead man can choose to stand up and walk.
      1 Cor 1:26-
      26 For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. 27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 28 and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, 29 that no flesh should glory in His presence. 30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus,

      Salvation is all about His glory – not mans and his abilities to choose.
      Even Jesus’ death was foreordained and the means in which it was done. The Jews never acted contrary to the purpose of God – but did what their evil- God hardened – heart choose to do – which lined up perfectly with the purpose of God. See Act 2:23
       Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death;

  2. Thank you for the link. It has been the toughest hurdle to understand this doctrine. When we traveled to Guatemala to adopt our son, it became clear. My son did not choose me as his father. I chose him. He had no power to accept nor to reject. I paid the $30,000 for the adoption. He paid nothing. I also did not reject the other 25 kids in the orphanage. We merely chose the one and the other children continued on their paths. This really aligns with Ephesians 1 and Romans 8-9. It was quite a journey that the Lord took my wife and I on but after 6 years of understanding this doctrine, I come away realizing that Matthew 28 remains our mandate. Though we are chosen, we still must reach into the world and teach others about His love and for Him to draw to Himself those He wills.
    It is such a great doctrine and I am so blessed to be under this type teaching

  3. Miriam says:

    Because you seek to know the mind of Christ, the heart of God, the plans He has made and His purposes, He has enlightened you and is teaching you.

    My spiritual gifts are teaching combined with service and mercy. And I can only teach what the Spirit of God teaches me and what I come to know through His word, contact with other believers and the events of my life. Predestination is beyond my (fallen) comprehension.

    It’s like I have on blinders and cannot see others in any way except that they are suffering along in this life, just like me. I watch to see what God is doing in the lives of people that I come to know. Sometimes it is clear and sometimes it isn’t. But I driven by my knowledge of what Christ has done for me to find a way to love and serve them, regardless of wether or not they have been electect by God. That is not mine to know. May God bless your quest to understand this most difficult aspect of the Word of God.

    I do not see where you answered your opening questions 1,3,5,7 or 10. And also, I would add one more question. If God elected some before the creation of the world, why did Christ have to die for sin?

  4. Tim says:

    I agree that this is most difficult. I agree that we are not to pull back from any opportunity to love on those who do not know Him – in hope that we can lead them to the Lord. I compare the issue to the likes of a railroad track. One track is our responsibility to respond in Repentance and Faith and the tell the good news when ever we can for we do not know who the elect are. The other track is God alone and is completely bound up in his eternal will – with no regard to the will of fallen man.
    The answer to the question is given through out the entire document.
    1. Fairness cannot be rightly judged from a humans viewpoint because we are still fallen.
    2. All that God does is fair – right – and good because He is Fair – Right and Good and can be nothing else.
    3. All the He does will Glorify Him in the end – even His wrath on the chosen vessels.(Rom.9)

    So yes Election is fair but not fully understood in relationship to our responsibility and the verses that state “whosoever will” may come…. We are to tell the whosoever’s for we do not know whom the elect are.

    The great preacher Spurgeon stated to someone who was giving him a hard time about this doctrine – that said to him – why don’t you just preach to the elect then… and he responded something like – well if you would raise up their shirt tails and let me see a big letter E stamped on their back, that he would. “E” standing for the Elect.
    See Deut 29:29

  5. payday loans says:

    I want to thank the blogger very much not only for this post but also for his all previous efforts. I found to be very interesting. I will be coming back to for more information.

  6. Steve says:

    Because you seek to know the mind of Christ, the heart of God, the plans He has made and His purposes, He has enlightened you and is teaching you.

    My spiritual gifts are teaching combined with service and mercy. And I can only teach what the Spirit of God teaches me and what I come to know through His word, contact with other believers and the events of my life. Predestination is beyond my (fallen) comprehension.

    It’s like I have on blinders and cannot see others in any way except that they are suffering along in this life, just like me. I watch to see what God is doing in the lives of people that I come to know. Sometimes it is clear and sometimes it isn’t. But I driven by my knowledge of what Christ has done for me to find a way to love and serve them, regardless of wether or not they have been electect by God. That is not mine to know. May God bless your quest to understand this most difficult aspect of the Word of God.

    I do not see where you answered your opening questions 1,3,5,7 or 10. And also, I would add one more question. If God elected some before the creation of the world, why did Christ have to die for sin?

  7. Matt says:

    I agree that this is most difficult. I agree that we are not to pull back from any opportunity to love on those who do not know Him – in hope that we can lead them to the Lord. I compare the issue to the likes of a railroad track. One track is our responsibility to respond in Repentance and Faith and the tell the good news when ever we can for we do not know who the elect are. The other track is God alone and is completely bound up in his eternal will – with no regard to the will of fallen man.
    The answer to the question is given through out the entire document.
    1. Fairness cannot be rightly judged from a humans viewpoint because we are still fallen.
    2. All that God does is fair – right – and good because He is Fair – Right and Good and can be nothing else.
    3. All the He does will Glorify Him in the end – even His wrath on the chosen vessels.(Rom.9)

    So yes Election is fair but not fully understood in relationship to our responsibility and the verses that state “whosoever will” may come…. We are to tell the whosoever’s for we do not know whom the elect are.

    The great preacher Spurgeon stated to someone who was giving him a hard time about this doctrine – that said to him – why don’t you just preach to the elect then… and he responded something like – well if you would raise up their shirt tails and let me see a big letter E stamped on their back, that he would. “E” standing for the Elect.
    See Deut 29:29

  8. David says:

    Let me state for all to know – I love you like my own brother and have for years and will continue!

    The Verse you mentioned in number “1” is 2 Peter 3:9

    9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

    It was explained to me this way…
    longsuffering toward us
    “Us” is the saved, the people of God. He waits for them to be saved. God has an immense capacity for patience before He breaks forth in judgment (cf. v. 15; Joel 2:13; Luke 15:20; Rom. 9:22; 1 Pet. 3:15). God endures endless blasphemies against His name, along with rebellion, murders, and the ongoing breaking of His law, waiting patiently while He is calling and redeeming His own. It is not impotence or slackness that delays final judgment; it is patience.
    not willing that any should perish.
    The “any” must refer to those whom the Lord has chosen and will call to complete the redeemed, i.e., the “us.” Since the whole passage is about God’s destroying the wicked, his patience is not so He can save all of them, but so that He can receive all His own. He can’t be waiting for everyone to be saved, since the emphasis is that He will destroy the world and the ungodly. Those who do perish and go to hell, go because they are depraved and worthy only of hell and have rejected the only remedy, Jesus Christ, not because they were created for hell and predetermined to go there. The path to damnation is the path of a non-repentant heart; it is the path of one who rejects the person and provision of Jesus Christ and holds on to sin (cf. Is. 55:1; Jer. 13:17; Ezek. 18:32; Matt. 11:28; 13:37; Luke 13:3; John 3:16; 8:21,24; 1 Tim. 2:3,4; Rev. 22:17).
    all should come to repentance.
    “All” (cf. “us,” “any”) must refer to all who are God’s people who will come to Christ to make up the full number of the people of God. The reason for the delay in Christ’s coming and the attendant judgments is not because He is slow to keep His promise, or because He wants to judge more of the wicked, or because He is impotent in the face of wickedness. He delays His coming because He is patient and desires the time for His people to repent.
    MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville

    You stated that “If you are saved by this simple faith in Jesus, you are predestined and foreknow. Yes, of course God knows every person who will accept this perfect gift of salvation, and He knows those who will not.
    This puts the decision of predestination and being foreknow on the will of the sinner and his ability to choose. I believe we are completely unable to choose due to our complete and total depraved – totally dead nature outside of Christ. The only freedom we have (or the term free will) is the path of sin we will follow and the depth in which we will go. Other than this… man has no choice for he is bound in death and sin. (Paul taught this all throughout the NT) Only God can awake the sinners heart from death and grant the faith to believe – and He does so only to those whom He chose before the foundation of the world – and only through the correct preaching of the Gospel. So then it is God who gets the glory for Salvation and not the sinner. None of us can choose – in our death and sin, no more than a dead man can choose to stand up and walk.
    1 Cor 1:26-
    26 For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. 27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 28 and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, 29 that no flesh should glory in His presence. 30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus,

    Salvation is all about His glory – not mans and his abilities to choose.
    Even Jesus’ death was foreordained and the means in which it was done. The Jews never acted contrary to the purpose of God – but did what their evil- God hardened – heart choose to do – which lined up perfectly with the purpose of God. See Act 2:23
     Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death;

  9. Sean says:

    Perhaps the best practical example of Election I have ever heard. Thanks for responding.

  10. Jeff says:

    Thank you for the link. It has been the toughest hurdle to understand this doctrine. When we traveled to Guatemala to adopt our son, it became clear. My son did not choose me as his father. I chose him. He had no power to accept nor to reject. I paid the $30,000 for the adoption. He paid nothing. I also did not reject the other 25 kids in the orphanage. We merely chose the one and the other children continued on their paths. This really aligns with Ephesians 1 and Romans 8-9. It was quite a journey that the Lord took my wife and I on but after 6 years of understanding this doctrine, I come away realizing that Matthew 28 remains our mandate. Though we are chosen, we still must reach into the world and teach others about His love and for Him to draw to Himself those He wills.
    It is such a great doctrine and I am so blessed to be under this type teaching

  11. Tony says:

    Perhaps the best practical example of Election I have ever heard. Thanks for responding.

  12. Jonathan says:

    Let me state for all to know – I love you like my own brother and have for years and will continue!

    The Verse you mentioned in number “1” is 2 Peter 3:9

    9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.

    It was explained to me this way…
    longsuffering toward us
    “Us” is the saved, the people of God. He waits for them to be saved. God has an immense capacity for patience before He breaks forth in judgment (cf. v. 15; Joel 2:13; Luke 15:20; Rom. 9:22; 1 Pet. 3:15). God endures endless blasphemies against His name, along with rebellion, murders, and the ongoing breaking of His law, waiting patiently while He is calling and redeeming His own. It is not impotence or slackness that delays final judgment; it is patience.
    not willing that any should perish.
    The “any” must refer to those whom the Lord has chosen and will call to complete the redeemed, i.e., the “us.” Since the whole passage is about God’s destroying the wicked, his patience is not so He can save all of them, but so that He can receive all His own. He can’t be waiting for everyone to be saved, since the emphasis is that He will destroy the world and the ungodly. Those who do perish and go to hell, go because they are depraved and worthy only of hell and have rejected the only remedy, Jesus Christ, not because they were created for hell and predetermined to go there. The path to damnation is the path of a non-repentant heart; it is the path of one who rejects the person and provision of Jesus Christ and holds on to sin (cf. Is. 55:1; Jer. 13:17; Ezek. 18:32; Matt. 11:28; 13:37; Luke 13:3; John 3:16; 8:21,24; 1 Tim. 2:3,4; Rev. 22:17).
    all should come to repentance.
    “All” (cf. “us,” “any”) must refer to all who are God’s people who will come to Christ to make up the full number of the people of God. The reason for the delay in Christ’s coming and the attendant judgments is not because He is slow to keep His promise, or because He wants to judge more of the wicked, or because He is impotent in the face of wickedness. He delays His coming because He is patient and desires the time for His people to repent.
    MacArthur, John Jr: The MacArthur Study Bible. electronic ed. Nashville

    You stated that “If you are saved by this simple faith in Jesus, you are predestined and foreknow. Yes, of course God knows every person who will accept this perfect gift of salvation, and He knows those who will not.
    This puts the decision of predestination and being foreknow on the will of the sinner and his ability to choose. I believe we are completely unable to choose due to our complete and total depraved – totally dead nature outside of Christ. The only freedom we have (or the term free will) is the path of sin we will follow and the depth in which we will go. Other than this… man has no choice for he is bound in death and sin. (Paul taught this all throughout the NT) Only God can awake the sinners heart from death and grant the faith to believe – and He does so only to those whom He chose before the foundation of the world – and only through the correct preaching of the Gospel. So then it is God who gets the glory for Salvation and not the sinner. None of us can choose – in our death and sin, no more than a dead man can choose to stand up and walk.
    1 Cor 1:26-
    26 For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. 27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 28 and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, 29 that no flesh should glory in His presence. 30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus,

    Salvation is all about His glory – not mans and his abilities to choose.
    Even Jesus’ death was foreordained and the means in which it was done. The Jews never acted contrary to the purpose of God – but did what their evil- God hardened – heart choose to do – which lined up perfectly with the purpose of God. See Act 2:23
     Him, being delivered by the determined purpose and foreknowledge of God, you have taken by lawless hands, have crucified, and put to death;

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