Today 12-16-09 my father died. He and I were not very close. Most of his life was lived for himself. He had been married about 9 times – been homeless – hooked on drugs and alcohol – immoral etc…
Apart from the Grace of God, I would be in the same situation and end up being just like him. I am grateful to God for His mighty work of Salvation in my heart – and the process of sanctification that my heavenly father brings me through daily. Each day I have something new to trust Him with. They are so very different and unexpected – and Death certainly is one that I was not expecting.
My father seemed to come to the point several years ago where he was trying to live life for the Lord. He claimed to have been saved, but never really followed it up with a holy life – from what I could tell. He remained the same in many ways – but did stop other sins such as the drug and alcohol addition.
This is somewhat difficult for me since I believe that the Lordship of Christ brings progressive holiness into our lives. I do not want to judge him – especially since I am his son – but simply look into the life that he lived and observe – calling it what it was.
Well… How am I and what was the first thing that came into my mind when my wife called to give me the news? The first thing that came into my mind was the supreme sovereignty of God in everything – and I do mean EVERYTHING. Nothing is outside of His perfect control – even the sinful life my father lived. The verse that came to mind was Ps. 139:16-17 “Your eyes saw my substance, being unformed. and in Your book they all were written the days fashioned for me. All of this psalm is about God’s dealings with us – but never apart from His sovereign purposes. His eternal will is always on His mind and the end result will be glory for Himself.
My fathers death was planned by the hand of the one who created him – before he ever was created. And His plan for me – being in my fathers loins – was also planned. He formed me in my mothers womb and fashioned my life according to His purpose. There is such great freedom in the truth of God’s sovereignty. It make painful situations bearable when we trust in the Lord who makes all things – and works them out to His glory and our good. Praise be to the Lord of Life!
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