Everyboby is always wanting God to Bless them. I hear it all the time! God Bless America – Lord Bless my family members…. Bless my Efforts here…. Bless my Kids… Bless my… whatever.
The thing that is so frustrating for the Lord and those who truely call on His name – is that HE has carefully spelled out what Blessings He wants to give and how to get them but few are those who actually find out what they are and how to get them. Pastors are doing a terrible job – (Modern Church Growth – worldy pastors more interested in Money and church growth – than actually growing the REAL church) teaching their flocks what real blessings are. WE think it is about money – being used of God is some great way – Fame – Health – Blessed Children – and yes I would agree that the Blessing of God can and will show up in these areas, however the greatest Blessing God wants to give us is Himself – and the knowledge of His great power and wonderful Grace.
Read with me Ps. 24: 1-5
The Earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness. The World and those who dwell therein. For He has founded it upon the seas, and Established it upon the waters. Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His Holy Place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, and righteousness form the God of His salvation.
WOW – how clear this is.
First it states that everything in this World is GOD’S – not ours. The FULLNESS of all that it is – is His not mine or yours no matter how rich someone may be.
Second – Those who walk on the dirt of this earth belong to GOD no matter what they believe to be true. What anyone believes to be true is nothing – because in the end – God will reveal to them that HE alone owns them and HE alone will do with them whatever HE pleases. Some He chooses to reveal Himself to – others He passes over and they will be the objects of His Wrath. (Rom.9)
Third – God has established the earth and all it ways. We are to recognize His fingerprints which are all over it – and praise Him for it.
Fourthly – Who may stand in heaven in the Holy place?
1. He who has Clean hands and a Pure Heart.
ONLY those who God has done a work in – can say they have clean hands and a pure heart. This is the real work of God in santification – and only the true child of GOd can see and understand this cleaning of the heart for it is the work of God – along with our turning away from our sins in obedience. We are to be more and more characterized by obedience rather than sin.
2. WHo has not lifted up his soul to an idol.
Interesting…. God is a jealous God and does not want me or you to lift up our souls to anything that becomes so important to us that it replaces His rightful position. HE alone wants to fill our hearts with Peace and HE died to provide it for us. WE are not to look towards : Porn – Money – Relationships – Position – Fame – Power – Prestige – Comfort – Education – specialized Knowledge…. I could keep going on and on on the things that become IDOLS in the hearts of God’s children – plunging them into deep depression and heartache.
3. Nor sworn Deceitfully.
God hates a lier. Let your Yes be Yes and your No be no. Mean what you say and do what you say.
THEN ….. and I would say only THEN…. does the real blessings of God come! It comes in the form of:
Verse 5b – RIGTEOUSNESS which is God’s greatest blessing. Rigteousness is the character of God demonstrated in us. We become like Him. We display the fruit of who He is – in our everyday life. THEN we can really know the blessing of God in our :
a. Finanaces
b. Relationships
c. Children
d. Education
and so and so forth. Without rigteous in the heart – the blessings are ruined anyway and I believe that this is why God does not bless us as His children. There is little or no righteousness. SO…
How you doing with what God has said? Have you ever wonder why God has not blessed you? Could it be that you have not been seeking righteousness in your life by knowing GOd’s word? Could it be because you have lifted up your Soul to something else that you feel (by your actions – which speak volumes about you) will fullfill you more that GOd?
Bottom line – God blesses only the Righteous and he brings with it contentment. He never casts His Pearls (Real blessings of righteousness) to a swine. Are you saved – Really. Stop counting on some religeous experience and ask yourself – Is righteousness growing within me. If not – then perhaps He is not in there. Examine yourself my friend. Are you really saved? If not – let me help you. Ask me.
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wonderful blog you take
I’ve meant to write something like this on my blog and this gave me an idea. Thank you.
I’m having a small issue I cannot make my reader pick up your rss feed, I’m using google reader fyi.
Not sure what the problem is. I will look into it.