Thought vs. Emotions
Introduction – my thoughts produce my emotions, not my emotions my thoughts
A. How God commands me to respond in ALL situations
B. How God equips me to know how to respond obediently
C. The sure result I can expect as I trust Him and obey Him.
Introduction – My Thoughts produce my emotions, not my emotions my thoughts. God has called us as His children to be Holy, to be perfect, to be conformed to the image of His Son, to walk by the Spirit, to walk in a manner worthy of His calling (Col. 2:6) and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. This is not something that just happens the longer you are a Christian. You begin as babes in Christ and grow as you learn and practice the principles that God has given in His word. There is not any merit to your age, your church membership, and your life experiences that will produce the will of God in your life. It is only as you submit your will to His will and learn to die to yourself (II Cor. 4:8-11) and bring your thoughts “captive to Christ,” (II Cor. 10:3-5 Rom. 12:1-2; II Tim. 2:15) that you begin to experience the fullness that is so often spoken of but seldom lived out.
Let’s read together Genesis 4:5-7 and answer the following questions.
1. When God told Cain that “sin was at his door and its desire was for him” what was God addressing? Was it his emotions or his thoughts?
2. The end of verse 7 states that Cain “should rule over it.” What was the “it”? Wasn’t it his thoughts that would result in the total devastation for Cain and his family?
Read Heb. 2:14; James 1:12-17 for further insight
Please read Ps. 19:7-8, Romans 12:1-2 and II Tim. 2:15 answer the following
1. In Ps. 19:7-8 what is the result in a persons “emotions” when he disciplines his thoughts to obey the statutes of the Lord?
What is it that must have first taken place in one’s life before he can become set free in his thoughts? (John 3:16)
2. In Romans 12:1-2 whose responsibility is it to be transformed? What is primarily addressed – the sin that a person struggles with in this mortal body, or some external force? What is the result of a person who is being “transformed”? (More and more, he is thinking like Jesus – Is. 55:8; Ps. 119:9; Pro.4:23-27; II Cor. 10:3-5)
3. According to II Tim. 2:15, how do we present ourselves “approved by God”? What does it mean to “rightly divide the word of truth”?
Why do you believe what you say you believe?
a. Opinion
b. always being taught so
c. parents
d. grandparent’s
e. SBC (Southern Baptist Convention, or any organization)
f. or scripture
How God commands me to respond in all situations
Please read Phil. 4:8-9.
Statement – Most Christians have read this verse, and possibly may have even memorized it. But few Christians have been set free from anxious thoughts that many struggle with today. Their lives are no different than the average lost person in today’s society. Daily, they struggle with uncertainty, confusion, fear,(II Cor 4:7-11) and divorce. The world’s solution to this ever-present problem is to numb the person with prescription drugs, and to depend on ones self. Jesus came to set us free with salvation, yet how many people do you personally know that really have a grasp on freedom? (John 10:9-10, 28-29; II Cor. 3:17) Is it because it is not attainable, or too lofty in principle? Did God make a mistake when He said in Col. 2:10 “we are complete in Christ”? Complete for what? (Is.55: 8) We are complete in Christ to be still and peaceable no matter what the circumstance. Do you have this peace in times of struggle and temptation?
The following is a break down of Phil.4: 8-9
Truth – (God’s word is the only source of truth)
What are some lies that many professing Christian people today live under and operate on the premise of? Here are some topics to consider and talk about in the light of God’s word:
a. that because they believe in God that they are saved (Satan believes in God)
b. that because they have been baptized they are saved
c. that because they are church members and even serve in the church, they are saved
d. business and money – work ethic
e. family and children – discipline of your children –
f. religion and “ways to God”
g. relationships – husbands loving their wives – wives submitting to their husbands (Eph.5:22-25)
Noble – (distinguished by deeds of character)
What is Character? Why it is hard to be a person of character when no one is looking or will ever know? Is your life distinguished by deeds of character?
Just – (founded on fact)
How does a person get into trouble with other people by not being a just person? How does one’s thoughts lead him or her to being unjust. How does selfishness play into this area of just vs. unjust?
Pure – (without blemishes – perfect and complete – holy and without blame – Eph.1: 4)
Being pure is possible. Both relationally and positional (permanent) with God,( Col. 2:9-10; 1:22) we can maintain purity on a daily basis. How does a person “fall into sin”(no person falls into sin) Areas for discussion:
a. Husband wife relationship. Eph.5
b. The eyes Pro.4:23-27, 14-19
c. The ears ” ”
d. Money, and the love of it.
Ps. 119: 9, 97-105 (104) Do you?
Lovely – (God’s act on our behalf, that was selfless and without concern for His own wellbeing)
Statement – God’s definition of “loveliness” is not being friendly towards someone. What is God’s definition of true “love”?
Consider an act of love that was done to you, and describe how this effected your life. How did Jesus express His loveliness to those who He encountered?
Good report – (That which edifies someone else – well spoken of – Eph. 4:29)
What difference do you think it would make if we as a small group never listened to anything about someone that wasn’t of a Good report? Is this a realistic expectation? How does gossip play into the destruction of unity and peace in a church and a small group?
Statement – The end of verse 8 of Phil. 4 says for us to meditate on these things. In our fast paced society filled with many distractions (TV, playing, sports etc…) it is against our nature to “meditate” on these things, only because we are “self consumed” and do not accept responsibility for the discipline of one’s mind to obey. This person does not hunger and thirst for righteousness. However, just because we are a busy society, does not mean that God will overlook our lack of priority. Society is not the cause your disobedience. In Roman12: 1-2 the transforming of your mind to become Christ-like is not primarily the responsibility of God. He has made the provision, but it is up to you to discipline yourself to meditate on truth. The truth does the transforming along with the Holy Spirit – not the act of discipline. You can memorize the entire bible, and not be transformed. Meditation is the key to change, not some religious act. How can God “transform” someone who never opens the truth? He doesn’t! He chooses to make us like His son, when we open our hearts to the truth, die to our way of thinking, and meditate on what God says, with the intent to obey because we love Him. Do you meditate on the truth? Do you love God?
Please read Isaiah 55:6-13 and 65:2 and answer the following.
1. Where does wickedness begin?
2. Can a person who is depraved become transformed to the point of freedom as he meditates on God’s truth? (read verse 11-13) What does the words “go out of ” and “led out” refer to in verse 12?
3. What steps must he take to begin this journey? (verse 6&7)
How God equips me to know how to respond obediently
Statement – The verse in Phil. 4:13 states that “we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.” The “us” is not intended for those who are not in Christ. Being “in Christ” is God’s choice. God chooses you, and draws you to Himself. He did this before the foundation of the world was created. (Eph. 1:4) Can a person who doesn’t understand how they have been equipped for the Christian walk, be victorious in their day to day encounters with worldliness and stress? The answer is NO! How can you be a victorious Christian, if you do not understand what you have been given, and how to use it to obey God?
1. Read James 1:2-8. What is primarily mentioned here that the Christian has from the father? What is the prerequisite to obtaining this tremendous gift from God? What is it that causes us to seek after this gift from God?
2. Read II Corinthians 10:3-6. This passage presents the Christian walk as being a war. Where does the battlefield exist? How has God equip us to Think? What power do we possess, as Christians who walk with God? What does it mean to cast down every thought?
3. In I Thessalonians 5:21, God in His word tells us to “test all things and to hold to what is good.” How have you been equipped to “test all things”(Acts17: 11) and how do you do this. (Also see Col. 3:16a) What areas should you be testing? Possible discussion areas: a. pastors – teacher’s b. Christian radio – T.V. c. Potential partnerships
4. Read Proverbs 4:23; Eph. 4:29-30. Keeping our hearts refers to what? What areas of our hearts, become stained by the world? Areas for discussion. a. Lust b. money c. positions and power d. other unbiblical teachings or religions that appeal to the senses or tradition. (See Col. 2:8; Is. 29:13-14) Give an example of when you were stained by one or more of these areas – what biblical truth did God use to deliver you?
Statement – The following questions are questions that are intended to pierce you hearts with the truth of God. If you will meditate on its truth and put it into practice, freedom will be the result (II Cor. 3:17-18) You can be free from the fearful and anxious thoughts that are examples of faithless, unbelieving, sinful decision-making. (Pro. 3:4-6; 4:14-19, 23-27; Ps. 119:9; Is. 66:2: II Cor10: 3-5) You will be free to love, as God wants you to love. It all is dependent on one thing. Do you believe it? Do you really believe what God says, or what our sinful – fearful – wretched heart tells us? Your mouth may proclaim truth, but your life will show the results. The bible says that” the heart of man is desperately wicked – who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9) Being a Christian doesn’t mean that your heart is no longer desperately wicked. If you heart was not desperately wicked, then you would have no need for Christ. What does God say about your hearts’ condition and the truth of God? Make the choice and live in the freedom God has for you today.
5. Read II Tim. 1:7. Where does fear always start? When God in His word says that we have power, what is He referring to? (II Cor.10:5-6) Does loving someone who doesn’t deserve it come from our own goodness or from God? (James 1:17) What does being sound minded mean biblically? Does this mean that people who struggle with sinful thoughts are “not” sound minded? (Rom. 7:15-25) How does faith, which comes from God, play into this verse being life changing in your life? Share with the Group an area you are struggling with. What truth has God shown you about your struggle?
6. Read I Tim. 6:20 and II Tim. 1:14 What “other truths” are there in our society today that can cause those who do not know the deeper things of God, to go astray?
Term to consider – “Admixture” – Is when adding a new element to the current element, by which forever changing the character of both. For instance – Flower and water. How does this apply to many of the “new truths” of today? Does truth ever need changing, or need to be up-graded? How does this apply to the way many think about truth?
The sure result I can expect as I trust Him and obey Him
Statement – Some Christians in the church are so richly blessed with the sweet knowledge of God’s will in every place. (Eph 5:2; IICor. 2:16) Their lives are like the aroma of God, and God uses this to deeply touch the lives of those around them. You may struggle with questions like – Why am I here? – What purpose do I have here on the earth? Feelings of worthlessness may plague you. But you can cultivate faithfulness doing whatever God has given you to do without feeling that you are “not a good Christian” if you are not in “full time Christian ministry.” (If you are in Christ, then you are an ambassador for Him) You can come to realize that God finds just as much pleasure in a child of His doing faithfully what He has given them to do that day, as He does with a missionary in the deepest darkest places of this world. Faithful obedience, is what brings pleasure to the heart of God – not what we do as a career or job. His truth is for all! He gives you to do whatever His will dictates, and His will is that you will discover joy in the midst of the seemingly meaningless tasks that we so often find ourselves involved with. God commands us to believe what He thinks about us, rather than us groping for significance in what we do, or do not do. Freedom in your thinking is God’s goal – not necessarily your service!!!!!
1. Please read II Cor. 10:6. From the statement above, name a few things that Christians struggle with, that are disobedient in the eyes of God.
2. Please read II Peter 1:2-10. According to verse 2, what is it that we must have in order to have the peace and Grace of God? Whose responsibility is it to obtain this?
3. Verse 3 is a truth that can set you free from so many different struggles. How can the knowledge that God has given you “all things” right now for life and godliness change the way you think about your
A. job
B. sinful thoughts of worthlessness
C. particular struggle with Sin
Statement – What you believe, will always determine your actions.
Read Pro.23: 7; Luke 6:43-46
4. Verse 4 mentions the “partaking of the divine nature” as having escaped the corruption that is in this world through lust. How is the belief in “self-esteem,” different than that which God gives (The divine nature)? Share with the group the “corruption’s ” have you been set free from as you have discovered the truths of God?
5. As the title to this lesson indicates, verses 5-8 should become your goal as a Christian. The longer we walk with God, the less our lives “should” be characterized by sin. We should be growing in the areas listed here in the text. How can a person know that he is growing in these areas? (see verse 8 & 10)
6. Please read I Peter 1:6-7. How does a person who is growing in the statutes of God, respond when they are grieved by various trials? How has their thinking changed about the trial itself? (see I Peter 2:9 and 4:12-13 for more insight)
7. Please read I Peter 5:10 and Lamentations 3:31-33. What is it in your life that causes you to suffer? The Bible says that if you will seek for Me then you will find Me!(Matt. 7:7) What biblical principle can you share with the group that will encourage and uplift someone else that may be suffering with the same thing? How has God settled you with his truth?
8. Read I Peter 5:7 What a tremendous peace we have in knowing that God cares for us. How can this one little verse change your anxious thoughts?
Ending statement – Hopefully this study has been a stretch for your “spiritual thinking.” Today in our modern church, we here all kinds of things about God, but few ever hear that suffering and hardship is the path we must take to become Christ-like. It isn’t easy to become transformed in your thinking, but it should be ever Christian’s goal. It requires trust in what God says rather than what we think. A body builder never becomes what he becomes, without pain and struggle. God will see to it that we have many challenges, and opportunities to trust Him with what we do know. So stop running to other things to try to fix your struggles, and let God have His will and way in your life. He has so many great truths that lead to freedom, but few ever find them for they spend their lives running to everything but God. Be set free from sinful thinking and start meditating on His word. You will be amazed what He will do!
Great site!!!
Awesome share! Thank you very much 🙂
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Thank you for your nice comments.