I have come to understand that God – in His providence – will allow me to come upon a circumstance that will quickly test me! For instance:
1. Have you ever been lied about
2. Have you been mis- quoted
3. Have you stood for righteousness sake (Christ’s purposes) and been rebuked about it or called some name or labeled as “being harsh”? Or how about this “narrow minded” or the all time favorite one “brain washed by religion”.
I have to admit that all of these have been said about me on many occasions – and that – by those who I love very much. Even members of my own family! That really hurts! I really don’t mind it when those who don’t really know me say things about me, or those who are admittedly not in the faith say that I am a religious nut bag or whatever… I have had some folks on this blog say that I am off or that they disagree with me – even when I am clearly just re-stating what the Bible has said.
Receintly I was told that I am really out there – that I am hard to fellowship with because of my “odd” ways of thinking about things.
Well… You know, as I reflict on scripture and all the stories about Christ and his disciples, I am keenly aware that there were many comments made about them that put them into a negative light. You see, the heart of man loves darkness and hates light – because conviction comes when we as God’s children (those who have placed their faith in Jesus and live their lives submitting to scripture and Him as Lord) shine the light of obedience as we should. What else can they say – but negative comments?
Today – It was said that I told someone something that I did not say. Not only that – there was another person who confirmed the lie! They are both not Christs’. WOW – sounds like when the false accusers said that Jesus was going to tear down the temple himself and rebuild it in 3 days – himself – making Him look like a crazy person – so as to get Him on the Cross to die.
So… My point is this. When you live for Christ as a sold out christian – and obedience to his revealed will in scripture, you will suffer. Some may even die! It hurts – but know that you are suffering and tasting a very small portion of what Christ suffered for you and me. SO rejoice when you are rejected – called names – pushed aside – laughed at – they roll their eyes at you – feel you are out there in left field – not asked your opinion on a subject – overlooked for that promotion and given to the more wicked person – ALL of these give you and me a small chance to suffer with Christ So… I say like the apostal Paul said… Rejoice and again I say Rejoice – because you are sharing with the suffering of Christ and Great is your reward in heaven.
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Feel free to use any portion of it in your blog… Thanks for the nice note.
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Good post, useful blog, thank you for your work, keep on, guys!