Idolarty – What is this in today’s World?

Colossians 2:5-6

Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth; fornication uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolarty.


Scripture is clear! Idolarty is when we worship ourselves by being involved with fornication, uncleanness, sinful passion, evil desire, and covetousness. Lets break this down.

1. Fornication – sex outside of marriage.

Well… all who get involved with Fornication, do so out of pride and selfishness – seeking pleasure  – and not the glory of God. I think that some folks may say and justify their action by saying something like this… ” I just love him so much, and he needs it. We are gonna some day get married anyway so who am I hurting?”

SEX is not a need or else God would meet that “need” outside of marriage in a way that honors Him.  Sexual desire is put into us for us to learn self control (spirit filled – self control) and to learn to put yourself second and God’s desire for purity 1st  in your life.  It is training ground for the righteous. Beside… Even in marriage we need to learn to master this desire and always give it – instead of always seeking to be given to. Sex in marriage can become idolarious if we are not careful with it. WE (mostly men) can seek this out in marriage – to the degree that we only want sex – not concerning ourselves with your wife and her desire for those things outside of sex. Husbands – love your wifes as Christ loved the Church – putiing himself aside and seeking Purity (sinlessness)  for His bride – the church.

2. Uncleanness – anything that is a sinful thought

Our hearts are truly rotten – still – in this unredeemed flesh. I find myself thinking really rotten evil thoughts sometimes. Putting them aside and casting my thoughts onto Him – and Heaven (Col. 3:1-3)  is the way we streatch out our wings ( so to speak) and sore above our fallenness. We cannot do this apart from the filling of the Spirit of God. We must let the word of Christ dwell richly in us (col3:16) and then we will overcome the rotten thoughts that we all have. This too is Idolarty – if we allow ourselves to waddle in the mire of our own fallenness. We as Christians say… ” I can’t help what I think.” Yes you can! God does not call us to Holiness without equiping us to do so. We are complete in Christ for all obedience. (Col. 2:10) The Spirit of God is there and wants you to submit your thoughts to the pulling down of every thought that exalts itself against the Knowledge of God. But we must learn to do so – in the Spirit – by our belief and submission. It is a yeildedness that we walk in.  Else we remain a stinky thinker and your life will look just like everyone else. The light will NOT shine through. Perhaps this person is not a believer – but is deceived. Check yourself!

3. Passion – A strong desire for what is wrong

Thoughts produce your passions. Passions will lead you to either what is good and right or what is sinful and hurtful. Which will it be – Christian? Good passions that come from God or a passion for what is wrong and sinful – leading to death? Idolarty will show up here when you start worshiping what you are passionate about.

4. Evil Desire – A desire for anything that is not pure and right.

Evil Desire can be a desire for someone who is not your husband or wife. It can be for Money – Power – Fame – Importance – Self esteem (as compaired to humility before God) the death or demise  of someone position whom you do not like – Your position in life or job – Nice things…. all of which are not of God. If you are seeking these things know that you are an Idolarter and you need to check yourself to make sure you are really in the faith.

5. Covetousness – Wanting what is not yours

This flows in conjuction with evil desires. This is when you want what you do not have! You want it with a passion! I believe this is most likely refering to 2 categories. A relationship with someone specific – or Materialism. You look at what some other person has and you tell yourself – I want that! We covet our neighbors Wife (Husband) – Cars – House – Kids – Money – Power – Talent – and so on and so on. YOU ARE REALLY JUST WORSHIPPING YOURSELF!

Idolarty today,and in any time that has passed – is the worship of self. It is  what this thing or person make ME FEEL like – which is PRIDE –  the core corruption.  Submit to God – stop doing those things that are Idolarty – Stop worshipping yourself and your pleasure –


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3 Responses to Idolarty – What is this in today’s World?

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