Spiritual Growth – Is it up to me?

Eph. 1 3-9 (Emphasis mine- Bold equals His work – Italic equals what we receive)

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the word, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved. In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which HE made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself

These are the things HE has done

1. who has blessed us God has chosen to bless those whom He wanted to – not based on any merit or decision that I make or ever made – but according to the Kind intention of His will. He just wanted to be a blessing to some – those whom He chose.

2. He chose– I did not choose Him – but He chose me. (John 15:16) By the way… I couldn’t have chosen Him, because I was dead in my trespasses and sins. (Eph.2:1) Can a dead man choose anything? Can a spiritually dead person choose God and make himself acceptable to God? NO we cannot. Jesus  did choose us before the foundation of the world. I cannot choose for myself or anyone else that I dearly love.

3. He made us accepted  – Notice what it does not say… We can make ourselves accepted. We cannot make ourselves acceptable before a holy God. Only HE can do this and only according to the kind intention of His will

4. grace which HE made to abound – Can I make God’s grace abound toward me or anyone else that I want this to occur to? NO! Notice it is HE made –  not me and my words or efforts – made. I cannot make anything happen in someone else’s life. I can only be obedient and let God (if He wills it so) do His work through me.

5. His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself  It is only the Good pleasure of His perfect will that bring spiritual growth into someones life. No matter how hard I pray – or how long – if that person is not part of the Good pleasure of Gods will for salvation, and that person is not part of that which He purposed in Himself – I will never see them come to salvation. I could wear holes in my floor with my knees – and cry a river of tears – but “I” cannot effect God’s predetermined will on anything. I am not a factor in this. Nor are you.


1. every spiritual blessing – What does the word Every Mean? It means every… All… nothing left out. We have all that we need to obey and live and walk as we should.

2.  we should be holy and without blame –  Holy – means without sin in our lives. Without blame – means that as others look at your life they have no valid reason to blame you for sin or wrongdoing.

3. having predestined us to adoption as sons – We are the Sons of God, and we are, because He predestined us to be so. Not because He saw anything within my fallenness or being dead in my sin. I bring nothing to the eternal “Why” God does anything. NOR did God look from eternal past and saw that I would choose. I couldn’t choose. I was dead in sin. NO – He chose me because He wanted to show kindness and Grace to me.

4. accepted – I am accepted into the family of God. I have an eternal family in a beautiful place called heaven.

5. we have redemption – I am redeemed. This is  to obtain the release or restoration of, as from captivity in sin, by paying a ransom. Jesus Redeemed me from my death in sin and gave me an new life in Christ. (2 Cor.5: 17)

6. forgiveness of sins – Thank God this is an on-going event. I am still encased in this fallen flesh and sometimes sin. I am forgiven the moment I repent and ask for it. (Rom8:1) .Jesus is the reason for it. When He died, I died and now my life is hidden in Christ. (Rom. 6)

7. riches of His grace  – Grace has been said to mean – God’s riches at Christ’s expense. I like this. I think that this is clear and easy to understand. MAN…. how rich is the Grace of God? I will one day know for sure.

8. wisdom and prudence – Wisdom is the ability to do the right thing when to many it is not clear. God gives it liberally to His children (James1:5) and always in accordance to what He has already revealed in His word. It is never a “new” word of wisdom – but always in total and complete agreement with all the written word. It (only God’s Word) can be counted on to give you wisdom. It is the only source. Prudence – provident care in the management of resources; economy; frugality. A person who is sloppy with their money is not prudent. This is the work of God and can be understood by the careful study of the Word Of God.

9. made known to us the mystery of His will –  Who lives my christian Life? Not me or is it me. Yes – I certainly have a part – but not apart from God. It is like the little boy who is rowing the boat with his grandfather in a small boat. Sure he may have some small effect – but it is the will and strength of the old sea captain (the grandfather) who is steering and providing the real strength. There are many mysteries in the Bible. 

            a. Predestination and Election – and the Responsibility of Man

            b. Who wrote Scripture – God or man

            c.  Who lives my Christian life – Me or God?

            d. Eternity – Huhhh..God was not created? He has no beginning or end?

             f. The Trinity – How can something be 3 and 1 at the same time?

            g. Was Jesus God or man? How can anything be 200%?

Well… These are the mysteries and they are not a problem for God. I can’t get there with this little worm mind of mine – but they are not a problem for God. I must trust in the Character of God – that I have come to know. It is trustworthy.

Well… Time to end this blog. But Remember this… God Loves those whom He chose. Those who are loved and chosen by God will come to know it because of the faithfulness of God.

I have a very special person in my life that I love very much that is not right with God. So do you. So what should be my response? I should trust them to God and watch for the open door. Col. 4:2-4 says… Continue earnestly in prayer, being vigilant in it with thanksgiving; meanwhile praying also for us,  that God would open to us a door for the word to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest as I ought to speak.  SO I will continue to pray that God will open the door for me to lovingly and patiently speak the mystery of Salvation. I will share in the pain that I believe God feels regarding this person – while trusting Him through it.



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2 Responses to Spiritual Growth – Is it up to me?

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