Your Eyes – Watch what you see!

Ps. 101:3

I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me.

Job 31:1

I have made a covenant with my eyes; Why then should I look upon a young woman?

Ps. 119:37

Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in your way.

These Verses are so deep and stir me up so badly! There are so many times when I do not do what God would have me to do in regards to this. (Rom. 7) It seems that all around us – women dress to show off their bodies – pulling men to lust after them. Even in church (seeker friendly churches primarily) it would seem that there is so little discretion in terms of how women dress. I remember playing guitar in a band – and while I was leading worship – there were these attractive young women on the front row- dressed like they were at a Def Leopard concert. Very hard to worship God – and see that too. Anyway… Lest I be deemed a guy who doesn’t appreciate beauty, I will go on from here.

God’s will for me is that I learn to control my eyes. To be committed to not lust in my heart. To honor God in my thoughts…

Ps 19:14

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.

How can this be the case if I am not committed to obey in what I look at and think on? It can’t be  that I walk in obedience – while lusting after some young woman. You can’t either! Choose to make a covenant with your eyes to not lust. Be filled with the Spirit – not lust. Walk as a true Child of God. Put away anything that leads you to the door of Lust. It most certainly is the Internet when it is unprotected. Do you have the Porn sites blocked? How about your T.V. ? Does it have unblocked access to porn? If you walk in this long enough – you will eventually do what you are meditating on? When lust conceives – it brings forth death. Death to the Peace and Joy of Being a Child of God – and can even lead to God taking you out – in Death.

Be commited to purity and it begins with your eyes.

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One Response to Your Eyes – Watch what you see!

  1. I enjoyed this article. I really learned many things. I’ll ask friends to read it too.

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