Monthly Archives: November 2010

Jesus could have said ” Enough is Enough”

Jesus could have said, “This is not worth it – I am going to call down from Heaven 10 legion of angels and stop this!” As creator and by whom all things were made – He could have said ” … Continue reading

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Life – pursuing Righteousness

The diligent pursuit of righteousness, as a true child of God’s, is………… ….. to continually entrust (I Thessalonians 5:18) the variety (I Peter 1:3-7) of issues and circumstances that come as a part of God’s good gift (I Timothy 4:4-5; … Continue reading

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Passions – They are Blind and Dangerous Leaders

Passions – They are Blind and Dangerous Leaders. Is there anything wrong with Emotions – Passion – and Feelings? No… not within themselves. They are created by God and all have them. However, because we all are sinners and are … Continue reading

Posted in The Work of God, Uncategorized | 18 Comments


Prayer is: Surrendering my will REGULARLY and CONTINUALLY to God’s Good and Perfect FORORDAINED Plan which comes from the will of God for my Life. RESULTS OF PRAYER… that I may go FORTH in each new day… Continually  Communing with… … Continue reading

Posted in Delighting in the Lord | 6 Comments

Practical Atheist

Statement – Worry is an assault on the character of God. It says that you DON’T BELIEVE Him and that HE is NOT capable of seeing you through – Robbing you of Joy. Don’t live your life as a Practical … Continue reading

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Misery – Most of the time it is self inflicted

I was recently upset about some stuff… Like all of us at times. It was told to me in a very direct and BOLD manner that ” Don’t relate self inflicted Misery due to my unbelief and stubbornness to the … Continue reading

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