I was recently upset about some stuff… Like all of us at times. It was told to me in a very direct and BOLD manner that
” Don’t relate self inflicted Misery due to my unbelief and stubbornness to the Purifying work of sanctification from God.”
In other words, I – trying to be “spiritually minded” told this gentleman what I was struggling with – and how it was making me miserable in my emotions. He then told me with such clarity to not relate the working of God in my heart to self inflicted misery due to my own unbelief. WOW… This really hit me hard.
Eph. 1:11
… who works all things according to the counsel of His will.
Is there anything or anybody that is outside of the sovereignty of God? NO there isn’t. I must come to the place where I let what Scripture says and teaches about the character of God – RULE my heart – not FEAR! Fear is what creates misery in my heart. Truth is what frees me – and truth is ONLY found in God’s Word.
Questions to Ponder:
1. Is there anything – any circumstance – any action on the part of a loved one – Outside of the counsel of God’s will?
2. If God is truly Sovereign – How comprehensive is it? Is it deep and penetrating enough for me to Build on it and count on the FACT that He is sovereign – resulting in Fears being relieved?
3. When I feel miserable about something – am I trusting in God’s character of Sovereign Control?
4. Does God really love me – I mean REALLY – enough so that He will protect my Path? (Prov. 2:6-8)
5. Who is on the throne of my heart? Is it my fears of what may or possibly could happen – or is it the confident assurance in the Character of God? Who is really ruling my heart when my emotions – guided by Fear and unbelief – Bring me to a miserable place, even to the point that I cannot sleep? (Matt. 11:28-29)
What is your struggle. How can I encourage you? Share with me your thoughts and I will use scripture to lift you up as best as I can? Email me at tim@metrowheels.net