Monthly Archives: February 2011

Under the Shadow of God’s Wings

Ps 57 :1 Be merciful to me, O God, be Merciful to me! For my soul trust in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge. David was in a cave being pursued by Saul. To … Continue reading

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The Purging of God and the Justice of God

WOW… What a topic. Today, I asked God to speak to me from His word. Coming up this Sunday in our Sunday School class, we are talking about the Justice of God. Some tough questions like: 1. If God is … Continue reading

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Thoughts produce emotions

Thought vs. Emotions Introduction – my thoughts produce my emotions, not my emotions my thoughts A. How God commands me to respond in ALL situations B. How God equips me to know how to respond obediently C. The sure result … Continue reading

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