Lev. 19:1-2 and 1 Peter 1:16 give a very specific command to be Holy just as God is. This is the bond that unites us together. God – after receiving Jesus as my personal Lord and savior – has now been joined to me personally – in every way and in every thought and action. Oh my… that is terrifying.
WELL.. I am so glad that the Lord is referring to our position and not us being perfectly holy for -not one of us- is perfectly holy. We WILL be, when we see Him face to face, but for now it is our job to be seeking the Lord in such a way so as to always be striving for Holiness and righteousness in all we think, say, and do – always being ready to confess our shortcomings to Christ thanking HIM for his willingness to forgive us.
I must cultivate an attitude of CLINGING to the Lord that he might pour his holiness upon me and enable me to follow his call. God’s glory is such that he can have NO DEALINGS with sin or iniquity in any way. I must cling to Him and His word daily by prayer in order for this to increase in my life. God’s glory is to never be defiled by my sin as some filth in a horse stable.
My prayer is that He would increase within me and that I and my horse stable filth would decrease. I want His purposes to precede mine, and that I would life a life that accomplishes all that He would intend.