Faith in God – is given for true Salvation

Faith in God – is given for true Salvation

Acts 11:18 When they heard this, they quieted down and glorified God, saying, “Well then, God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance that leads to life.”

This passage is in context to when God showed Peter a vision of unclean animals coming down to him in a sheet… and God told him to kill and eat. Peter, who had never tasted something that was “unclean” initially did not want to obey the voice of the Lord. But God said in vs. 9 that, “What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy.”

The Gentiles were unholy in a jews mind. They considered themselves superior to any Gentile. But notice something in these verses…

Notice the phrase “God has granted” in vs. 18  – and “What God has cleansed” in vs. 9  clearly shows that real Salvation is the work of God. Clearly, in other portions of Scripture the responsibility of that choice is on the man but consider this… It is God who grants it and causes this action to occur. This is the GREAT mystery of Christ. How can a man be held responsible for something that God did not choose for them? See Romans 9:14-33 for that answer.

I had the thought this morning that God only “Grants” this and “Causes” this to occur only for the Bride of Christ.

Many put their “faith in God” as an action that they believe is acceptable – but they do not place their faith in the work of Christ alone. I have encountered many people who believe that God will not send them to Hell because they believe in Him and believe that God will never throw a good person into Hell. They have put their faith in themselves and their own goodness – rather than in Christ alone.

Acts 4:12 and James 2:14-20 clearly describe what real Salvation looks like.  It isn’t based on ANYTHING other than Jesus dying on the cross for my sins. The results are works that are generated from that real faith. These “works” can also be considered fruits. Gal. 5:22-24 says “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things, there is no law, Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

God causes me to see – leading me to repentance. God grants me the faith to believe – and he causes the fruit of righteousness (just exactly like an apple tree doesn’t strain to bear apples – it just produces Apples because of its nature) to produce this list from Gal, 5:22-24. I will over time begin to grow into my God granted – and wonderfully favored – position of a child of God the true Bride of Christ. I will become less sinful and more at peace with God and man. YES, I still have fleshly desires that are contrary to my position – but God will do away with my sinful flesh soon thus allowing me to experience the full reward of true Salvation.

WOW – Thank you Lord for choosing me – for granting me faith to believe – and causing me to become more like Jesus. It is all your work and I praise you for it. Thank you, Lord!


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