1 Peter 1:24-25
“All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord endures forever.”
I used to be considered strong and many would say how “Good looking” I was. I am now almost 52 and many would say and have – I am fat – and old looking. I had 2 people tell me that. Humm… That made me feel somewhat upset. I am a little overweight and I do have grey hair. I had someone tell me that my hair used to be darker. Humm… Well, it was. Then I read this verse this morning. It is true. When we were young and had strength, we felt like we could conquer the world. Well, that is not true anymore. As a matter of fact, as I write this, my back is out! I am sitting here in pain, as I suffer through a bad summertime chest cold and nasal issues. I am coughing and hacking onto the computer screen.
For those whose focus is only this life and the things in it, life will eventually come up short and discouraging no matter how much a person achieves in this life. I recently saw a 58-year-old dude on youtube who “got shredded” muscularly and was offering a class on how to look like him. WELL – that is temporary. I am sure that given another few years, and perhaps a bad circumstance – his glory will certainly fade away because it does for everyone – no matter what he struggles to look like. Most men want to look like they did when they were 25 because their “looks” are the foundation of what they think is most important in this life. Really what they value is what others think of them. Boy – that is a one way street to discouragement. I remember feeling good when someone would make a comment about my height and good looks or whatever. I was then tempted to try to improve that so that I could get more compliments etc…
Now – I am not saying give up and don’t care about it. This body is the temple of the Lord and He expects us to take care of His temple. Being fat can say to others that you don’t care about what God has given you – that it is not a responsibility that you take seriously – and that you just give up and quit. A lot of Christians have quit and are miserable in the body that they reside in. I do not want to be old and fat and miserable because I just quit!
But God tells us that this is a dead-end street. Your looks and body will turn old (for most) and you will automatically feel that you are a looser and quickly fading away into unimportance. Don’t make your foundation your looks – success- power – prestige, etc… but make it Jesus and Him crucified. He is Lord and wants to show you through his Word, how much you are loved and accepted, and what he has in store for you in your inheritance. Set your mind on things above and not on things of this earth. He will add all these “things” to you – but not if you are going to make them your trust and security.
Matthew 6:33-34
33 But [a]seek first [b]His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be [c]added to you. 34 “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will [d]care for itself. [e]Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Lord help me live today with a sense of responsibility with my body – but always keeping you and your kingdom in my sites. Lord thank you for your truth.