Doing good – when you are wronged

1 Peter 4:19

Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.

This morning, I found out that a person and the leadership at a specific dealership – who had treated me wrongly about a year ago now needs my assistance.

Hmmm… Well – now! Isn’t that interesting? This is a test from the Lord on how I will react. I could act naturally and go tell them to jump off the nearest high building… (haha) or I could follow what the Lord says and do good to them. Forgiveness is the foundation of all that the Lord has for me in righteousness. Without it, I am forgoing the Lord’s possible blessings in my life. I must put aside my personal hurt and mistreatment and give. Love those who hurt you and are evil-speaking toward you! “For Love covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8)

I will assist them and him – and I will obey what the Lord has for me to do leaving the results up to the Lord.

Love you Lord and thank you for this opportunity.

Your Son

Tim Gowens

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