Steps to take when you feel afraid

So often I have felt afraid of the future. Circumstances can’t make us feel anything but my thoughts about them –  certainly do.

As I have been mentored over the years, many great and wonderful Pastors and theologians of the past have been used by my mentor to teach me about what they knew to be true about God.

Most important to mention before we begin. – If you are insecure with your relationship with Christ – then how can you feel secure about anything else. Get this right 1st.

John  Flavel (1630 through 1691) wrote a book called “Keeping the heart” and it is really great once you can slow down enough to read the old English speech that it was written it. So Paraphrased – here are 12 steps to consider when you are feeling afraid.

  1. Consider all the people who are in the hands of God… Not one exist outside of this truth. Ez. 18 clearly teaches that all men are in His hands even it they don’t acknowledge Him. If they are in His hands then He is the one who manages them in all their motions (it is unescapable)Limiting – restraining and determining them all at HIS pleasure. Man may have a measure of freedom – but it is NEVER above the sovereign will of Jehovah God!
  2. Remember that God loves His children far more than you or I realize. His tender mercies are far better that anything you could dream up by yourself.
  3. To fear and not trust in God who has all things in His control – creates a prohibition in the heart of Christ (It is offensive to Him if we remain fearfully not trusting him) Let that violation be something that you reflect upon rather than the circumstance you may find yourself in.
  4. Remember the result of the needless vain fears of the past. Most fears don’t come true anyway. We spend so much of our time fearing the “What if’s” that our joy is darkened. Have these worries and fear accomplished anything good in the past? If not, then cast them aside and trust in your Heavenly Father and watch how wonderfully He provides and protects His children
  5. Consider for a moment that fearing itself is more evil and grievous to the heart of God – than the actual fear that has come true! God is Holy – and if we understood more of what that means, then we would not fear anything in the light of this truth.
  6. Have. you spent time in the Word of God – or the counselors office? Which is more powerful? Far too many seek that counsel of man rather than the counsel of God? God is the source of truth through the power of the Holy Spirit within us… and power over all things – and yet we neglect  – in our fear – to seek Him out and find the relief that His truth brings.
  7. Quiet your trembling hearts by recalling and consulting with your past experiences of care and faithfulness of God in former distresses.
  8. If you are following the will of God for your life, and there is no apparent sinful circumstance due to your sinful choices, then rest assured that the path that you are on is the will of God. This should provide you holy courage in times of danger. Ps. 32:8 says that God will guide you with His eyes upon you… and He will do so all the days of your life. Nothing is excluded – Pain – suffering – pleasure – Profit or loss – all in included.
  9. Guilt and fear go hand in hand. Have you made a sinful choice and you are now afraid of the outcome? This is a healthy and natural fear – but accepting the blood of Christ over your sin, realiving yourself from guilt will have powerful affect over fear. You will notice that the power of fear will diminish as you accept the work of Christ on the cross in depths of your soul.
  10. Exercise Holy Trust in times of great distress. Eph. 1:11
  11. Slavish sinful creature fears are crushed under a Biblical reverential fear of God.
  12. In times of danger and distress-  Prayer and the pouring out of these fears,  caused by the devil and your sinful heart – will pour into you the purposes of God found only in His word through the teaching of the Holy Spirit.
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