Luke 22:51 and John 18:6
Miracles Never EVER cause a heart – that God has not determined to know Him in eternity past – through the kind intentions of His will – to come to know Him.
In the 2 passages above, it is describing the circumstances when Peter chopped off the ear of one of the soilders – and in John 18:6 when they were all thrown down to the ground – Both of which were HUGH miricles of power! This did not cause their hearts of Stone to see and melt. The pharisees Could “By no means” vs. 67-68 – believe because God had not determined it to be so. Can you see that Salvation is always the work of God – and NEVER the works of Miricles. Only God can cause a heart to really see. Only God can cause a person to recognize their sin and to turn from it. Yes – He sometimes uses you and me as a means to speak the message of the Gospel to a heart of Stone -that He melts away. But Miracles do not ever benefit a fallen heart locked in their sin and corruption. They will always reject Jesus Christ. Even in the end days – when there is an angel flying in the sky proclaiming the Gospel – will not do it! They will still reject and turn away.