Is Scripture Sufficient for Church Growth

This has been a question that many in the modern church have struggled to answer. They struggle because they have been influenced by 3 things.



1. The appealing to adhere to church tradition.

This influence  showed itself initially in the time of Jesus.  His main opponents were the Pharisees and those deeply involved in Judaism. These folks trimed the law to fit their traditions.  Not only did the Pharisee try to make scripture fit their traditions, the church of the middle ages did as well. This gave birth to the reformers protesting this attack and came up with the slogan “Sola Scriptura” or Scripture alone. Scripture is the ultimate authority – not what our traditions have always dictated.



2. The Elevating of reason above Revelation

Another influence that has been present in modern church growth is a term called Pragmatism brought on  through the age of Enlightenment and Liberalism . (Pragmatism = philosophical movement or system having various forms, but generally stressing practical consequences as constituting the essential criterion in determining meaning, truth, or value.)  and the elevating of reason – Historical data – or psychology  – above what  what God has already declared.  Basically the common view is  “if it works – then do it at all costs!”  Well – any Pastor or believer who adopts this view is not rooted in scripture as God would have them to be. God is not interested in what works from the worlds view point but is interested in our submission and obedience to what He has already spoken. Some traditions are valuable and do not contradict Scripture but many do. Some believe that if the Bible disagrees with our traditions which are  time honored –  and what has worked in the past – that the Bible must be wrong!  This is exactly what the middle age religious leaders did. They put aside what was revealed – to do what they felt would product result. (Usually more money or debt relief) I wonder how many churches put aside what has honored God and His word to do the newest “fade” in church growth. Or how many times a church has compromised in order to  get ‘butts” in the seat – to pay the church debt. Hummm!  I believe there is something to this. I believe it describes the modern church in a big way!



3. Rejecting the Bible’s Sufficiency

Many in the pulpit would not openly reject scripture. But they do in practicality.  Meaning that their actions or lack thereof – would say that the Bible is just not adequate for the work demanded of Christians today. For instance – Church Evangelistic task. Many churches have abandoned the Bibles teaching on subjects  such as  Sin and repentance  for “Signs and Wonders” or “Sociological Techniques” and “Entertainment” and padding their sermonettes to accommodate the audiences’ “felt needs.” This describes most of the seeker friendly churches in America today. I believe that it is an subtle assault on the work of Christ and the Word of God.



How about Growth in Christian Character and godliness? Has your church offered “self Help” booklets or programs, or recommend counseling that is psychological in nature – rather than the clear strong teaching of the word of God? It would seem to say that our modern church has more belief in self esteem programs or appealing to felt needs that we do in the right handling of the Word of God. The modern church is anemic in nature because of the compromised stance on scripture. Don’t get me wrong. Not all modern churches are this way – only those who have adopted the worlds approach to church growth.



Well… While we are at it how about Making an impact on Society? Does your church put its hat into political action groups in order to elect Christians who will then do the “right” thing in regards to our country? Once again – Christians in politics is not the issue. It does have value – but scripture alone is the only real source of change in anyone heart not what occurs in politics.

Anyway… God is the sovereign One who controls all things anyway.  Even the Modern church growth movement is not outside of His control. I believe it has been allowed only for His future Judgement on it.  (Rom.9)  If you have been a part of this compromise then recognize it – Repent of it and stand against it. And begin to let Sola Scriptura be your Creed and not the WORLD!

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