Is Jesus in Control of your life? “Pantocrater”

I learned a new word today – “pantocrater” which literally means “the one who has his hand on everything.” It is so comforting that every soul belongs to him. Ez. 18:4 and there is not a soul that breathes air – or ever has breathe air – that JESUS did not control and determine according to the counsel of His perfect will. (Eph. 1:11 – In Him we also have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things in accordance with the plan of His will)

So what is that to me? Well it is a tremendous source of comfort because I know that Jesus is Good and Perfect in all that He does. I know that He is working ALL thing out to for His glory and my good. Rom. 8:28 clearly states this! BUT there is a condition on it working out for my good. I must LOVE Him. This is shown by what I do.

Thank you Lord that you are my Pantocrater!

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