Author Archives: Timbo

The Purging of God and the Justice of God

WOW… What a topic. Today, I asked God to speak to me from His word. Coming up this Sunday in our Sunday School class, we are talking about the Justice of God. Some tough questions like: 1. If God is … Continue reading

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Thoughts produce emotions

Thought vs. Emotions Introduction – my thoughts produce my emotions, not my emotions my thoughts A. How God commands me to respond in ALL situations B. How God equips me to know how to respond obediently C. The sure result … Continue reading

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Jesus could have said ” Enough is Enough”

Jesus could have said, “This is not worth it – I am going to call down from Heaven 10 legion of angels and stop this!” As creator and by whom all things were made – He could have said ” … Continue reading

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Life – pursuing Righteousness

The diligent pursuit of righteousness, as a true child of God’s, is………… ….. to continually entrust (I Thessalonians 5:18) the variety (I Peter 1:3-7) of issues and circumstances that come as a part of God’s good gift (I Timothy 4:4-5; … Continue reading

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Passions – They are Blind and Dangerous Leaders

Passions – They are Blind and Dangerous Leaders. Is there anything wrong with Emotions – Passion – and Feelings? No… not within themselves. They are created by God and all have them. However, because we all are sinners and are … Continue reading

Posted in The Work of God, Uncategorized | 18 Comments


Prayer is: Surrendering my will REGULARLY and CONTINUALLY to God’s Good and Perfect FORORDAINED Plan which comes from the will of God for my Life. RESULTS OF PRAYER… that I may go FORTH in each new day… Continually  Communing with… … Continue reading

Posted in Delighting in the Lord | 6 Comments

Practical Atheist

Statement – Worry is an assault on the character of God. It says that you DON’T BELIEVE Him and that HE is NOT capable of seeing you through – Robbing you of Joy. Don’t live your life as a Practical … Continue reading

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Misery – Most of the time it is self inflicted

I was recently upset about some stuff… Like all of us at times. It was told to me in a very direct and BOLD manner that ” Don’t relate self inflicted Misery due to my unbelief and stubbornness to the … Continue reading

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Trials are from our God for the benefit of His chosen ones

Hey,  have you ever been in a place where your feeling scream at you – GET ME OUT OF THIS –  or I HAVE GOTTA FIX THIS THING NOW. I know I sure have. I am in the midst of … Continue reading

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Lying – what do you do when it is against you!

Today, I had to go into a hearing about an employee who was terminated from my company for poor performance and calling another employee a Racist. I terminated him for both areas and today I had to go the a … Continue reading

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