Author Archives: Timbo

Thoughts that deceive

2 Cor. 10:4 – 6 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, (Empahsis … Continue reading

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Identify with Christ’s sufferings

I have come to understand that God – in His providence – will allow me to come upon a circumstance that will quickly test me! For instance: 1. Have you ever been lied about 2. Have you been mis- quoted … Continue reading

Posted in The Work of God | 4 Comments

The heart – It is a DUMP!

Jeremiah 17:7-10 Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when … Continue reading

Posted in The Work of God | 9 Comments

God deserves our best

Jeremiah 2:13 For My people have committed two evils:      They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters,      And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water. Ps. 36:9; Jer. 17:13; John 4:14 Matthew Henry says “My people, whom I … Continue reading

Posted in The Work of God | 1 Comment

Worry – Fretting – Anxiousness

Statement – Worryis an assault on the character of God. It says that you DON’T BELIEVE Him and that HE is NOT capableof seeing you through – Robbing you of Joy. Don’t live your life as a Practical atheist and … Continue reading

Posted in Delighting in the Lord | 3 Comments

Our hearts desire

Ps. 37 :4 Delight yourself also in the Lord, and HE shall give you the desires of your heart. . . I like to sometime look at verses backwards – when trying to understand  So… 1. the desire of your … Continue reading

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What do I believe about God – Basics

What I Believe 1. I believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures are verbally inspired of God and inerrant in the original writings, and that they are the supreme and final authority in faith and life. I believe that … Continue reading

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Sexual Lust PORNOGRAPHY, ADULTERY, FORNICATION, AND HOMOSEXUALITY IS SIN ADULTERY It is clearly written, THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY. Adultery is a married person having sex with someone other than his wife. God’s penalty in the Old Testament was death … Continue reading

Posted in The Work of God | 3 Comments

What you THINK will have it’s EFFECT

Thought vs. Emotions Introduction – my thoughts produce my emotions, not my emotions my thoughts A. How God commands me to respond in ALL situations B. How God equips me to know how to respond obediently C. The sure result … Continue reading

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Forgiveness – Guilt – self hatred Continue reading

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