Author Archives: Timbo

Meekness is not Weakness

Meekness is a word that is so mis-understood. Meekness is not weakness. Continue reading

Posted in Meekness - not Weakness | 2 Comments

The Sovereignty of God

Predestination – Election – Foreknowledge- The Called, all are “Hot buttons” in certain circles today. It is very mis-understood and most pastor are fearful to teach this from the Pulpit. Study to show yourself approved unto God – a workman – rightly dividing the word or truth. Don’t be fearful -but study it and see what God says about it.

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Forgiveness from God can release us from the heavy yoke of burden that we all carry – Called SIN. It must be taken by Faith and only in Jesus Christ. Continue reading

Posted in Forgiveness from God | 5 Comments

Dangerous Duty of Delight

Tired of trying to find that source of fulfillment? I know I am! I want to delight myself in the Lord God and all that He is revealed to be in Scripture. Continue reading

Posted in Delighting in the Lord | 102 Comments