Author Archives: Timbo

What is Virtue

Today as I was reading and thinking on 2 Peter 1:5-6 It says…” But also for this very reason giving all diligence add to you faith virtue to virtue knowledge to knowledge self control, to self control perseverance to perseverance … Continue reading

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The blessings of Righteousness

Today I was reading from 1 Peter 5:4 where it says: And when the chief Shepard appears you will receive the crown of righteousness that does not fade away. I took the time to stop and look at the meaning … Continue reading

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Have you ever doubted that God is going to do what the Bible says He is going to do? Have you ever looked at situations where someone that is a good person – HURTS – and the bad wicked people … Continue reading

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Foreknowledge – Predestination – Election explained

For many years I have struggled with the apparent paradox that foreknowledge – Predestination and Election have posed. I can remember the first time I felt the pain of this most difficult doctrine. I would go to a park in … Continue reading

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Holy Souls

John MacArthur said: It is only the body, the mortal humanness of a believer, that is yet to be redeemed. The inner person is already a completely new creation, a partaker of God’s nature and indwelt by God’s Spirit. “Therefore … Continue reading

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7 Biblical steps to overcome sin

7 Steps to overcome sin 1st – Read Romans 8:12-13 • I must realize that the presence of sin come to me from my own un-redeemed flesh. Jer. 17:9 • The ONLY way to combat sin and fight it rightly … Continue reading

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I am not Condemned anymore

Rom. 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation (8:1a) By simple definition, therefore introduces a result, consequence, or conclusion based on what has been established previously. It seems unlikely that Paul is referring to the immediately preceding text. He has … Continue reading

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We are new – and have the choice!

Romans 7:6 The Affirmation But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter. (7:6) The … Continue reading

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The testing of my life – what will it prove?

1 Thess. and how you turned to God from idols to serve a living and true God, (1:9b) From John MacArthur’s commentary – A sure evidence of the Thessalonians’ election was that they submitted to a new Master. Salvation meant … Continue reading

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What Satisfies you?

Proverbs 14:14 The backslider in heart will be filled with his own ways, But a good man will be satisfied from above. What satisfies you? Does money or success or relationships? Yes those things do have a measure of pleasure … Continue reading

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