Author Archives: Timbo

Is Jesus Christ at home in your heart?

Eph. 3: 17a Bible Study 3-27-13 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; (3:17a) Taken from John MacArthur’s commentary – AWESOME! So that translates hina, a Greek word used to introduce purpose clauses. The purpose of our … Continue reading

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Self Denial – The Key to happiness

Self Denial – the key to real happiness By Tim Gowens 2013 There are times when I get so focused on what I do not have in this life. I get very selfish and focused on the reasons why I … Continue reading

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Faith and Repentance

Biblical faith is not a “leap in the dark.” It is based on fact and grounded in evidence. It is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith gives assurance … Continue reading

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Marriage – God’s Gracious gift to His Son – and how I should view my marriage

Marriage, the plan of God for His Son As Determined Before Time Began – Titus 1:1-3 1/10/13 early AM By my Mentor Jerry G White As I gratefully and joyfully contemplated the wonder of our blessed God and Father having … Continue reading

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The Routine of life as seen from God’s perspective

The Righteous Routineness of God The “Routineness” of God’s Sovereign Created Order – By Jerry G White On Tuesday morning, the ninth of October, 2012, as I went about the completing of a very “routine” daily, unchanging task — namely … Continue reading

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The ship and it’s journey – An analogy of Salvation and it’s completion

When the ship is ready to sail (Only God can make a persons heart ready to receive Christ as Lord and give faith for real Salvation to occur – not to be confused with modern day religious activity) – the … Continue reading

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How to have Joy (when Circumstances do not bring it)

John MacArthur said – Imputed righteousness makes practical righteousness possible, but only obedience to the Lord makes practical righteousness a reality. Paul gloried in his imputed righteousness, which only God’s saving grace can bestow. But he did not presume on … Continue reading

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My Self Righteousness – is Sin

Taken from my study of John MacArthur Commentary on Eph.6:14 – Wow – Incredible! Eph 6:14b and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, (6:14b) No Roman soldier would go into battle without his breastplate, a tough, sleeveless piece of … Continue reading

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Christians and Drinking – Is it right to Drink alcohol

This has come to me so many times that I feel that I have to make it clearly known exactly what I believe regarding this issue. Many have asked me why I do not drink and to answer them rightly … Continue reading

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The Election of God

The Election of God – Taken from the John MacArthur Commentary with Comments by Tim Gowens Eph. 1:4-6a just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. … Continue reading

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