Category Archives: The Sovereignty of God

Thoughts produce emotions

Thought vs. Emotions Introduction – my thoughts produce my emotions, not my emotions my thoughts A. How God commands me to respond in ALL situations B. How God equips me to know how to respond obediently C. The sure result … Continue reading

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Misery – Most of the time it is self inflicted

I was recently upset about some stuff… Like all of us at times. It was told to me in a very direct and BOLD manner that ” Don’t relate self inflicted Misery due to my unbelief and stubbornness to the … Continue reading

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Death and God’s Sovereignty

Today 12-16-09 my father died. He and I were not very close. Most of his life was lived for himself. He had been married about 9 times – been homeless – hooked on drugs and alcohol – immoral etc… Apart … Continue reading

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The Sovereignty of God- Is it Fair

How is the Election of God Fair? As taken from John MacArthur’s Study Bible, Sermons, as well as from Unconditional Election written by Earl Blackburn . Compiled with comments by Tim Gowens   Before I proceed to write about the … Continue reading

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The Sovereignty of God

Predestination – Election – Foreknowledge- The Called, all are “Hot buttons” in certain circles today. It is very mis-understood and most pastor are fearful to teach this from the Pulpit. Study to show yourself approved unto God – a workman – rightly dividing the word or truth. Don’t be fearful -but study it and see what God says about it.

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