Category Archives: Uncategorized

Faith and Repentance

Biblical faith is not a “leap in the dark.” It is based on fact and grounded in evidence. It is defined in Hebrews 11:1 as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith gives assurance … Continue reading

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Marriage – God’s Gracious gift to His Son – and how I should view my marriage

Marriage, the plan of God for His Son As Determined Before Time Began – Titus 1:1-3 1/10/13 early AM By my Mentor Jerry G White As I gratefully and joyfully contemplated the wonder of our blessed God and Father having … Continue reading

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The Routine of life as seen from God’s perspective

The Righteous Routineness of God The “Routineness” of God’s Sovereign Created Order – By Jerry G White On Tuesday morning, the ninth of October, 2012, as I went about the completing of a very “routine” daily, unchanging task — namely … Continue reading

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The ship and it’s journey – An analogy of Salvation and it’s completion

When the ship is ready to sail (Only God can make a persons heart ready to receive Christ as Lord and give faith for real Salvation to occur – not to be confused with modern day religious activity) – the … Continue reading

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How to have Joy (when Circumstances do not bring it)

John MacArthur said – Imputed righteousness makes practical righteousness possible, but only obedience to the Lord makes practical righteousness a reality. Paul gloried in his imputed righteousness, which only God’s saving grace can bestow. But he did not presume on … Continue reading

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My Self Righteousness – is Sin

Taken from my study of John MacArthur Commentary on Eph.6:14 – Wow – Incredible! Eph 6:14b and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, (6:14b) No Roman soldier would go into battle without his breastplate, a tough, sleeveless piece of … Continue reading

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Christians and Drinking – Is it right to Drink alcohol

This has come to me so many times that I feel that I have to make it clearly known exactly what I believe regarding this issue. Many have asked me why I do not drink and to answer them rightly … Continue reading

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The Election of God

The Election of God – Taken from the John MacArthur Commentary with Comments by Tim Gowens Eph. 1:4-6a just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him. … Continue reading

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What I Believe

What is my statement of faith 1. We believe that the Old and New Testament Scriptures are verbally inspired of God and inerrant in the original writings, and that they are the supreme and final authority in faith and life. … Continue reading

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Resting in the Lord

Resting in the Lord What does resting in the Lord Look like in a believer’s life? Material taken from John MacArthur sermons and commentary. Compiled by Tim Gowens – with Comments etc… Contentment – Phil 4:4-9 Discontentment is Sin! It … Continue reading

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