The Fruit of Faith

James 2:17 Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.

Many proclaim to have faith. But it is more religion that faith. Religion tries to emulate fruit – but true faith is fruit. Real fruit (Gal.5:22…) impacts the one who has the benefits of eating it. But fake plastic fruit – no matter how good the impression is – does not impact anyone other than appearance only. Its value really is small and weak. Ever noticed that a plastic set of fruit gets dusty?  It is only when you pick it up and have the expectation of “real” fruit that you realize that it is not. So it is when dealing with a merely religious person that they really CAN’T help you or LOVE you the way that it would appear.

The same is so true of fake believers. They want to emulate fruit by their own power and religious affiliations thinking that perhaps God will find that acceptable – but He will not. Judgement is for the fakers! (Matt. 7:15-23)

Real fruit – that comes from the Holy Spirit – is found in Gal. 5. I have a question for those who may be reading this…
Does a fruit tree strain to bear fruit? Well… no of course. Then neither does a true believer. It is the byproduct of the Holy Spirit.

What kind of fruit tree are you? Be honest – and repent and ask God to grant you true fruit that come from His dwelling within you.

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Representatives of God – with no fruit – Mark 11:12-14

Representatives of God – with no fruit – Mark 11:12-14

12 On the next day, when they had left Bethany, He became hungry. 13 Seeing from a distance a fig tree in leaf, He went to see if perhaps He would find anything on it; and when He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. 14 And He said to it, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again!” And His disciples were listening.

This passage is about Israel and our Lord’s judgment on them for not recognizing their Messiah. His hunger represented the hunger that we all have in regards to knowing the Lord and being made fulfilled by Him.

However – I also think that it represents many who “Say” they represent the Lord and may even have degrees that say they do… but do they have the fruit that really helps people to be filled up with the knowledge of Jesus Christ in all things? Is their teaching leading others to find the water of Life? Are they committed to ONLY the word of God and nothing else? Does their teaching say that the word of God is their only source of truth – or do they bring into their teaching “other” things such as philosophy or psychology? Or even worse – do they mix this with scripture and their opinions about what Scripture simply says?  If the answer is YES – to any of these – RUN! Your Steadfastness is dependant on the right handling of the Word of God – empowered by the Holy Spirit!

Last night I was sitting by my fire pit in my back yard – listening to the Book of James being read to me on an app… and I recall over and over again how James kept urging his readers to be steadfast. Our Steadfastness is dependant on what you allow your mind to focus on. If you are taking in the teachings of someone who is not committed to the absolute inherency of the Word of God then you are not being fed by the true Fruit of the Word of God and you will stray off into some kind of error. Many good men and women – brothers in Christ even… have and can be deceived into false teaching. Beware of the fruitless teachings of false teachers.


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To be an overcomer is the be a Child of God

1 John 5:5 clearly states that to be a child of God – is to be an overcomer. Revelations 2:11 says clearly that those who are overcomers – will not be hurt by the second death – which is being cast into hell.

If I am an overcomer because of the one who dwells within me – that is Christ (2 Cor. 13:5, Romans 8:10, Gal. 1:15-16) I will forever be a recipient of the grace of God.  To overcome means that the Knowledge of Christ who dwells within me gives discernment regarding all things – IF – I will spend time with Him in prayer and reading and studying His word. (2 Cor. 4:6-7)

Jesus Christ living within me provide me what? He provides me everything pertaining to life and living godly in a fallen and dark world. (2 Peter 1:3) I should be the opposite of what the world says is life. They – those who reject Christ – are represented by darkness and sin – which only leads to more darkness and sin – depression – loneliness – sorrow – fear – disease. Eventually, physical death and then eternal hell will occur – to only continue for all eternity their desire to not want the Light of Christ in their lives. Their rejection will be complete and they will receive what they want – Separation.

But for the righteous – the overcomers – they will receive a blessed life now (John 10:10) and for eternity a white stone which is a love gift from the Lord Jesus. Rev. 2:17 is so beautiful! He really knows me. He understands me completely – better than I know myself – and yet still loves me. So much so, that I will be getting a stone with my real name written on it. It will represent a personal message from Christ himself to the ones He loves, which serves as their admission pass into the eternal glorious kingdom of God. It is so personal that only the person who receives it will know what it means and is. It will forever be mine to cherish and remember the moment Jesus Christ gave it to me. IT will be a reminder that I was an overcomer.

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The Sovereign Choice of God

Today I was reading in Matthew 13:11 where Jesus is explaining the parable of the sower. In verse 11 he makes a very clear statement about spiritual awareness. It says, ” Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them, it has not been given”

Then I read in Rev. 20:15 ” and anyone not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire”

If anyone like me – a child of God –  who sees these verses, and can say that God doesn’t choose who are spiritually alive – is either not aware of God’s sovereignty in Salvation. This is usually due to some false teaching that lacks depth, or they are not a student of Scripture themselves. (2 Tim :15)

There is really only one response that I have. It is praise and bewilderment at the same time. Why me Lord? I was a mess just like everyone else. I was dead and headed to more decay but He chose me and pulled me out.

Now I am blessed and fruitful – because of his wonderful choice of me before the foundation of the world. (Eph. 1:4) I have hope that is real.

Yesterday – I spoke with my best friend David Dowling. He has just lost his father to Covid. His father was a good man and had an impact on my life when I was young. David has such joy and comfort that is evident in the fact that he knows where his father is – with God in heaven. He understands the hope we have in Christ and the result is peace – during what some would consider a horrible loss. Many – fall apart – when they lose someone to death. They fall apart because they do not understand the mystery of the Gospel and the Sovereignty of God in death. When I lost my brother Vince Gowens (  to death, I hurt sure – but I kept thinking about where he was and the Glory of what he is seeing and understanding. WOW, what comfort.

To those who may one day read this – and I am no longer here due to whatever aliment – well you can rest assured that I am in the most glorious place that I never ever would want to leave. I am beholding the face of my Father – who has proven Himself to me over and over again. I will be forever serving the one I love and adore with perfection in a perfect body – that is not tainted by sin or sickness. I will be with my brothers and sisters in the Lord – serving our God – with uniqueness and perfection that brings Him Glory.

All of this – was because God chose me to come out of sin and brought me into the light. Wow-what a great God He is and what a great savior.


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Old wineskins – verses the new

Luke 5: 37-39

And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved. And no one having drunk old wine immediately desires new; for he says, the old is better.

Obviously, Jesus is not advocating drinking here… Let’s just get that out of the way right off the bat! What this is saying is that Jesus’ teaching was new. They had nothing to do with the old ways of tradition that was so commonly understood by those who were listening. If you were to put His teaching into the traditions of the old Pharisaic traditions – Covenants and ceremonies  – that was so understood by the  Jewish culture, it would not match and burst open spilling the new teaching of Christ on the ground. No, his teachings were completely against the old traditions.

Then Christ says ” And no one having drunk old wine immediately desires new; for he says the old is better. ”

I thought this was interesting. This is the only place in the new testament that this is recorded. I believe that this is directly speaking of traditions religion today. Many who are used to the old traditions will fight you if you try to teach something that is new to them, and against some tradition that they have always had.

I can remember going to church on Sunday morning and having to walk through a haze of smoke from the decons on the front porch. They all were out there smoking whatever… before they went in to worship God. Humm… I wonder if we were to tell them that the Body is the temple of the Lord and to smoke is an affront to the body that God has provided. (Rom. 12:1-2) BUT to them, smoking was fine! The “new” teaching that smoking is a sin would tear away from them the”old garments” of smoking on the front porch. They would say that it is fine and doesn’t affect their worship of God in any way. For them, it was their liberty to smoke before service.

I believe that there are many examples of what I am speaking of. The point is – is what the Bible SAYS is what is most IMPORTANT – not my traditions or ceremonies done by some local church somewhere. Always be willing to examine traditions and ceremonies before the pure wonderful light of Jesus’s teachings. I believe a true child of God will give up the old traditions and ceremonies once they have truly tasted the new wine of the Lord.

True worship is the response to the new wine of truth and the light of Scripture. It is not the old traditions of standing up and chanting some phase – or kneeling on some padded bench – or chanting some prayer on some beads – or putting on some fancy clothes or robs with tassels before you preach – or putting on your cone hat – or puffing up your hair for TV as we saw in the 1980s (haha) – lighting a candle while chatting some repetitious pray – or dipping your finger in some water before entering the “worship center” – or touching the foot of some statue and saying some crazy prayer –

Come on people – Is God really that far off – stupid – and dull of hearing you –  that we need all this stuff? GOD DOES NOT CARE AT ALL ABOUT YOUR TRADITIONS OR STUPID CEREMONIES meant to manipulate God into action! He wants true worship that comes from the right handling of that truth! He wants obedience and a turning away from your sin to righteousness. He wants you to love your brothers and sisters with sacrifice and mercy – understanding. He wants patience with the weak. He wants you to experience the peace that comes from walking uprightly. Ps. 84:11 says “For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.” BUT walking uprightly means that you must give up your traditions and ceremonies that do not mean anything to God. They do not add any measure to your spiritual life and relationship with the Lord.

Ask yourself, what traditions and ceremonies (old familiar wine) must I be willing to give up?


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Friendships – What should they be about?

Luke 5:31 Jesus answered and said to them, “Those who are well, have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.

Several years ago, I took a job where I was for the first time in my life, in the world of people who did not have to conform to my standards. I have owned my own company for many years and they were somewhat obligated to “not be or do certain things”. For example, cursing. I have never in my life heard so many curse words in any given day. The stories that I have heard! The scandals – Affairs and so forth!

However, along the way, I have been able to make some friendships. They are open to hearing about Jesus and the difference he can make in their lives. I have had the opportunity to share the gospel many times. I can’t help but think that perhaps this is “why” I am here in the job that the Lord has put me in.

Remember – Jesus is still wanting to call sinners to repentance – but he does it through you and me. Those who know Him and have a personal “REAL” relationship with Him through faith in His work on the cross – His resurrection – and His word that He has carefully superintended and protected.

Yes  – Jesus hung out with sinners – but Jesus didn’t participate in their sin. Be sure that you follow his example. Don’t be a Christian who is wearing a camo suite! Stand out and speak up.

This is a very sick world. Just watch T.V. for 3 minutes. You will see the world’s sickness and pain. But there is a Light – and it is Jesus in you.

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Ministry is not about me or you…

Real ministry is not about me or you…

1 Cor. 1:14-17

14 I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius, 15 so that no one would say you were baptized in my name. 16 Now I did baptize also the household of Stephanas; beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized any other. 17 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech so that the cross of Christ would not be made void.

There was a problem with the Corinthians that said something like this… I was baptized by this person or that. Really it was a prideful situation –  for you to be able to say that you were baptized by the prominent leader in the church which brought a level of credibility to YOU.

We still associate with people based on what their level of success is (or perceived success) in the ministry. Why – because all of us want to be looked upon as special or useful to the Lord. We want the Lord to take us and make us the prominent one!

I find that I am exactly the same way. I am a musician and songwriter as well as a Bible teacher for a group of men called the Upper Room. I have about 12 guys that come regularly. I have also written about 100 or more songs over the years… None of which have ever really done much in the eyes of the world. Sure – family (my wonderful Mom) and some friends think they are good. BUT – for the most part – I have always wanted to be the best Bible teacher – or songwriter – or business owner! Why – because I want to “Feel” important and “looked upon” as special.

As you know – associations in this world are important. God does move within your associations with others – networks – etc… BUT God does NOT want me to associate with anyone within the context of ministry – whereby the cross of Christ and His death – is not primary.

Paul says that he didn’t baptize and speak in such a way that it was impressive in an of itself – “less the cross of Christ should be made of no effect.”


  • Why do you do – what you do – in ministry? Are you seeking an association with some prominent leaders – in order to make your efforts more recognizable? Is it about you building YOUR ministry – rather than the ministry of the Cross?
  • Are you ok with just doing what you do in terms of ministry – leaving the results up the Sovereignty of God? Or do YOU feel that YOU must push and YOU must seek associations – in order that YOU will finally be heard – because YOU are so special? Notice what the focus is – YOU! Too many “ministers” are in the “business” because of money – and prominence – rather than Christ and Him crucified.

Paul was not self-focused in his ministry. He was willing – and did  – lay down his life for the cause of CHRIST – not some private cult of people whom he had baptized – and now can say that he was the cause of their change. We need to consider what our motivations are in our ministry efforts.

Most people do not read this blog post. I don’t really know if anyone is reading it. I don’t really care. I know that the Lord sees it and agrees! He can use it if He chooses or He can put in on the back of the shelf and never let anyone see it. That’s ok with me. He has His word and His Holy Spirit as His primary means to changes lives – not this article.

TO GOD BE THE GLORY – not Tim Gowens.



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Called into a relationship with God

You were called into a relationship with God

1 Cor. 1:9

God is faithful by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

God wanted a relationship that is real and vibrant with YOU! If you are reading this, and you have placed your hope in the Lord Jesus Christ and have repented of your active sinning against Him, then you can rest assured that you have been called. Being “Called” or “Predestined” or “Elected” is basically all the same meaning. It means that God who is faithful to you – and because of the kind intentions of a loving heart toward YOU – before you were born – set his will to call you to Himself for the purpose of Fellowship. NOT RELIGION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RELIGION – that is man-made – centers on what you do for God rather than what God did for you. God who is perfectly Holy (I have really no concept of what this REALLY means – I can’t imagine what something is like that has no flaws at all and will not tolerate anything or anyone to be near his holiness without death occurring) paved the pathway to Himself through the death of Himself on the Cross.

All so that you can have fellowship with Him throughout your day. Well – how’s your fellowship?  Would you say that your fellowship with the Lord is important to you? Do you spend time talking and listening to him? (His Holy and perfect Word) Is He a part of every detail of your day? Do you understand that God is sovereignly putting together every detail of your life – so that YOU will fellowship with HIM?

He died so that He could Call you into His fellowship – not religion.

Spend some time thinking about this today. I hope it will lead you to some serious Praise!

Tim Gowens

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Husbands Likewise…

I have in my life many male friends who complain about their wives to one degree or another. I too have complained to them as well in times past. My complaints to them and their complaints to me – have been because of ONE thing. Just ONE thing… We have not taken God’s word to heart when it says…

1 Peter 3:7 Husbands likewise dwell with them in an understanding way giving honor to the wife as to to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.

and Eph. 5:21, 25 Submitting to one another in the fear of God. Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her that he might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word.

The likewise in 1 Peter 3:7 give a list for the wives to follow. They are:

  • winning their unsaved Husband by their conduct
  • they do not preach at them – without a word
  • they are chaste
  • they are fearful of God
  • not merely outward appearance but the hidden person of the heart
  • the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is precious to God
  • Calling him lord – (speaking respectful of them and uplifting to them)
  • Doing good

The Verses says Likewise – I am to emulate the same to my wife. How can I expect my wife to be something that I am not with her? Notice that Eph. 5:25 says that I am to love her just as Christ would. This action on my part (fueled by the Holy Spirit) will wash her as water washes away corruption that is there due to our natural sin.

B U T  –   I am not this way… and most men are N O T! How am I to do this? I cannot without the Holy Spirit of God making me aware of my sin and driving me to repentance in my conduct. We as men need to ask the Lord to remind us to walk in the Spirit of God which is dependant on my time with Him in His word.

Some suggestions men:

  • Turn off the football game and spend some time with the Lord in prayer and Bible study.
  • Ask the Lord to fill you up with His spirit and make you sensitive to her. Ask the Lord to help you subordinate your need to her needs – which is exactly what the Lord would do. Look for ways to show her that you are looking after what she needs and desires and actively DO whatever it is. Do this consistently without seeking something in return. This is the difficult part – because we men are very SELFISH! We look for ROI – Return on the investment. And when it doesn’t come quickly, we quit in anger and frustration – BECAUSE we were NOT doing it “as unto the Lord” but to get something in return.
  • Consideration – Chivalry and just companionship are what ladies want. They will (most likely) eventually respond to meet your needs. Treat them like you did when you were dating. You never know – they may just begin to respond the same way.

I hope this has helped you in some way. Just know that I must keep my mind constantly focused on the basics of love – which is doing – as unto the Lord – in hope of a greater reward in my eternal existence and not necessarily a better marriage. Marriage is temporary anyway. But how I react and respond in obedience to the Lord – is eternal.

Tim Gowens


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What does it “mean” to be a Christian?

2 Peter 1:2-4

May grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.His divine power has bestowed on us everything that makes for life and devotion, through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and power.
Through these, he has bestowed on us the precious and very great promises, so that through them you may come to share in the divine nature, after escaping from the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire.

Matthew 7:21-23

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name? Did we not drive out demons in your name? Did we not do mighty deeds in your name?’ 23 Then I will declare to them solemnly, ‘I never knew you. Depart from me, you evildoers.’

As I was beginning the new book of 2 Peter, this is very difficult for me to just pass over and not make some comment on what the Lord is directing my heart to this morning. Everyone wants Grace and Peace. But few actually find it. It is conditional. It is conditional on 2 things:

  1. I must cultivate a true knowledge of God’s word so that I can respond in this world the right way.
  2. I must remember that I am a slave. A slave does the will of his master.

THIS IS what a true child of God does and is! A superficial knowledge of Christ is not what grants a person his assurance that he has been saved. It is to the degree that he submits to his master and Lord – Jesus!  Jesus provides assurance that hs is in the faith.

We have already been given every necessary component to obey and honor the Lord but we must choose to do so, based on my knowledge of Scripture.  God is no going to shove down my spiritual throat true understanding of His word. I must be disciplined to study and by the leading and power of the Holy Spirit – DO – what I have studied.

Last night – I was challenged to remain in a situation that did not h0nor my Lord Jesus. I had to leave the room with a challenge on my lips. I announced that I was leaving and that they should as well. OF course, they didn’t! Those who do the will of God will enter his kingdom – all the others will not  – with shock on their faces. They will say – But Lord… did we not do this or that? He will say – depart from me – you who practice lawlessness. Now, these people are dear to me! They represent everything in this world to me! But even my loved ones should not trump my love for the Lord Jesus Christ. I must respond to my master when he bids me – leave!

Oh, how I have justified my sin under the desire to want to be “entertained” or to “Relax.” A slave does not relax or put aside his masters’ wishes – just because he thinks he deserves it or that the master will understand this time. No – God never looks past a child’s sin. He will if we repent and move on with our  – loving His will  – over ours.

So to conclude:

  1. I must know the word of God by my discipline to study it.
  2. I must put aside my will and remember that I am a slave. Slaves have no rights! Slaves respond when their master bids them GO – DO – LEAVE-  whatever!

I will be rewarded with His eternal kingdom, and I will have peace and grace when I sin. It will be multiplied to me if I do these things.



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