Until God does a work, I MUST wait

When God does a work, sometimes it is slow – perhaps even years to accomplish. Sometimes it is immediately.

Today, I was reading in Luke 13:10-13, 16 where Jesus heals a woman who was bound by Satan for 18 years. Satan has no power at all apart from divine permission. This woman had apparently been permitted to suffer, not because of any evil she had done, but so that the glory of God might be manifested in the situation. When Jesus healed her, she was immediately set free – glorifying God.

But sometimes the work of God in a person’ s life is hid for years. In verse 20-21 it describes Jesus telling about the kingdom of God being compared to leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.

I think that God many times – allows us to suffer or be in a situation for years – and sometimes that results in suffering that is NOT due to our sin but someone else’s sin. Look at the woman who was bound. She was in this situation for 18 years. Jesus even says to the pharisees – “Think of it.” She was suffering for 18 years! Then immediately God heals and she stands up straight praising God. I would be so encouraged to hear how God Healed your situation! I would love to see how God manifested His Power to you. Share with us your storey.

I have things in my life that cause me suffering. People – situations – Financial etc… BUT God is the designer of my days and all that I face. I was reading Proverbs 20:24 which says ” Man’s steps are ordained of the Lord; How then can a man understand his own way? GOD waits for HIS leaven to rise and when it is done, He brings it forth to usefulness, just like the woman who hid the leaven in 20-21 of Luke 13.  SO – I will wait on the Lord to heal – and to accomplish what will cause me to Glorify Him. I will wait.

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Jesus thins down the Crowd

WOW… Jesus thins out the crowd in Luke 14:25. I wonder if a pastor of a seeker friendly church would say what Jesus says here?

Now Great multitudes went with Him and He turned and said to them, “If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also he cannot be My disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me, cannot be My disciple.

Jesus never adapted His message to the crowd or the majority of belief, or the current culture but always plainly declared the high cost of discipleship. He encourages them to “Count the cost” of being a child of God. See verses 28-34.

Yesterday a fellow Christian friend of mine said that he was basically giving up on God. That he was tired of trying to figure out God and why God is not answering any of his prayers… He was very self focused and feeling like God had abandoned him in his great time of need. I thinkthat all of us at one point or another has felt that way – but we do not verbally say that we are walking away from Him. That we are done with the whole God thing!

Well… In light of today’s scripture I can only come to the conclusion that this person is not a believer and that he did not rightly count the cost. He is shrinking back and God will find no pleasure in him. He is like so many today that is part of the “Great Multitude” of people who are interested in God and Jesus but they have not EVER come to the place where they see that Jesus is Lord of everything including their lives. Repentance of Sin did not really take place for SIN  – is still lord in their lives and all they can see is their own selfishness and personal fulfillment.

I believe that many of the great multitude in Luke 14 vs 25 is like so many today. They are seeking after Jesus for their own gain and fulfillment – or to ensure that they do not go the hell – and when this “genie in the bottle” doesn’t produce what they want, then they “go out from us, because they were never part of us.” It is Tragic that the gospel that is being proclaimed today does not include this! It is Tragic that preachers are being taught to adapt their message to be culturally relevant. Jesus wasn’t!

Real true believers Love Jesus so that it is a growing part of their lives. SURE we still sin sometimes, (Romans 7) but that is not what we are characterized by. REAL believers are coming to the place where Christ is everything in their lives. HE is the source of fulfillment – not what He provides – but HIM!

Then in comparison – Our love for our families – and even our own lives are viewed as “hatred” in comparison. Am I there yet? NO! But at least I am certain that God is bringing me to this. 

Today I also read Proverbs 20:24

Man’s steps are ordained by the LORD, How then can man understand his way?

Seems to be a conflict doesn’t it. There is a tension here that is a mystery. Do I make myself love Jesus to the Degree that by comparison my love for my family is hatred? Or is it God at work in me? The answer is “YES” to both. I must strive to run the race rightly – however it is God in me that is doing it all. This is one of the greatest mysteries in scripture! GOD or ME – the Answer is Yes.

Am I part of the great multitude that is interested in what He can do for me? Have I counted the real cost of being a real believer? Is the power of the Holy Spirit in me changing me into more of His image? Do I love Jesus more than I did? Am I growing towards Him or towards the world and it pleasures?

Very Tough questions -but it is good to ask yourself these from time to time!

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You will “By No Means” Believe

Luke 22:51 and John 18:6

Miracles Never EVER cause a heart –  that God has not determined to know Him in eternity past – through the kind intentions of His will – to come to know Him.

In the 2 passages above, it is describing the circumstances when Peter chopped off the ear of one of the soilders – and in John 18:6 when they were all thrown down to the ground – Both of which were HUGH miricles of power! This did not cause their hearts of Stone to see and melt. The pharisees Could “By no means” vs. 67-68 – believe because God had not determined it to be so. Can you see that Salvation is always the work of God  – and NEVER the works of Miricles. Only God can cause a heart to really see. Only God can cause a person to recognize their sin and to turn from it. Yes – He sometimes uses you and me as a means to speak the message of the Gospel to a heart of Stone -that He melts away. But Miracles do not ever benefit a fallen heart locked in their sin and corruption. They will always reject Jesus Christ. Even in the end days – when there is an angel flying in the sky proclaiming the Gospel – will not do it! They will still reject and turn away.


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Why are you troubled?

Luke 24:38

And he said unto them, ” Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts?”

Yesterday at my company, we had the worst day that we have had in many years. Hardly any business came in – the day was filled with various trouble and to end the day – I found out that someone had stolen from me – that I was trying to help out!

James 1:2 comes to mind.

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

You know, the more I live in this life, the more I realize something. The life that is lived here is about basically a few things.

1. It is about me being purified and made into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

2. It is about Trusting God. How else can I become adept at trusting Him – with Real contentment in my heart – without the opportunity to do so. God in His providence is always challenging us in this area.

3. It is about my holiness. Be ye holy – For I am Holy. He is the only one who can open up a heart to be holy.

I am not to be troubled -but to trust Him. Trusting God to the degree that I no longer Fear – and am anxious is the only remedy to life’s troubles. Trust God – and Do what you know to do. Do what is already revealed and God will with hold no good thing from you.

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God Protect us

Read Numbers 22-24

I was reading these chapters this morning and I remembered many times when God protected me from my enemies. I had a person who was wealthy come to my business and stated to me that he was going to take one of my largest accounts away from me unless I teamed up with him. The account was Carmax – where I was repairing all of their damaged wheels for them for years. He was a lawyer – and had started this mobile wheel repair company  – and had managed to get in with  the Corporate office and discussed Metro Wheels with them and how he could provide a “better service” than we were providing and a much reduced  cost.

Well, I have to say that I was somewhat concerned. He was convincing and apparently had made some connection… Anyway, the end of the story is that we did not lose any business to him – we did not team up with him in any way – but rather continued on for years with Carmax doing good business with them.

My point is – that when someone sees your success and envy’s it and wants it for their own selfish purposes, you can always rest assured that God will protect you just the same way that He did with the Children of Israel in Numbers 22-24 – and in many other instances.

Notice in chapter 25 that Israel falls into Harlotry in Moab. This is right after He Protects them – they dishonor Him! How many times have I dishonored God with my lack of trusting Him and/or sin to only fall in some form? I have and you have too.

Thank God now for His nature to protect us even when we don’t even know it. He is at work accomplishing His will for His glory and our good – EVEN when He knows we will sin – and what the Sin will be. WOW – what a great God we have the privilege of knowing through Jesus Christ our Lord.



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The Righteous shall Flourish

Ps. 92:12-13

The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in those house of the Lord, shall flourish in the courts of our God.

This imagery is so beautiful to me. I have visited many different types of homes and places where there were specific trees and bushes planted- watered – trimmed – and carefully watched over, so as to enjoy what it naturally does – which is to bloom and grow.

Notice the word “are planted” which imply that it did not naturally grow there and someone just benefited from it. No – the trees in a garden were planted by the owner of the house for their good pleasure and according to their will.

This is the same imagery that is pictured here of the Lord. He is the Owner of the house – He is the one who plants us (saved us from the eternal purpose of His will before the world ever was created Eph. 1:11) He is the one who waters us (The word of God) He is the one who trims us and prunes us (Trials and difficulties) and He watches over us as the great Gardner!

Now… some obvious thoughts:

1. The tree had no choice in the matter. It was not due to it’s own self will that the Gardner chose it. He chose it based on His own good will and purpose. You and I have nothing to do with our choice in Salvation. We do not save ourselves! It is only the purpose and will of God that anyone is ever truly saved. There are many false religions that would make them “think” that they are in the garden of the Lord – but they are not.

2. Can a bush water itself? NO – our sovereign God waters us with the Word of God and the desire that He puts within us to seek it out like a baby desires the pure mothers milk. (1 Peter 2:2) We do not water ourselves – but God does using the Word of God which is our life as Christians. He will always faithfully proclaim it into the lives of the elect.

3. The Gardner Prunes the bushes. God the Father Prunes us with trials that make us trust Him. Who the Lord loves he chastens. (Heb. 12:6)

4. The Gardner protect the bushes. FROM WHAT? That which would cause it harm such as bugs or fungus etc… God Protects his own – Read Ps. 91 – THIS IS AWESOME! He protects us from the evil powers of darkness and their desire to destroy.

God – the great Gardner – plants us where and how and whenHe wants us. Trust Him with your loved ones. Perhaps God will one day put them into the Garden of the Lord through real salvation. Keep praying my brothers and sisters.

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God Wants to Satisfy us

Ps. 81: 12-14, 16

So I gave them over to their own stubborn heart, to walk in their own counsels. Oh that My people would listen to Me. That Israel would walk in My ways! I would soon subdue their enemies and turn My hand against their adversaries. He would have fed them also with the finest of wheat; and with honey from the rock I would have satisfied you.

WOW… God wants to satisfy me! BUT HE wants to do so with Himself first.

What must I do to put myself in a place to be satisfied by God’s hand?

1. Submit and OBEY – in the spirit

2. Submit and OBEY – in the spirit

3 . Submit and OBEY – in the spirit

ok… do you get it? We must learn to obey what God has already revealed in His word. If my life is right with God – then God WILL satisfy me with the wonderful presence of His spirit in me. The times when I am hurting and doubting – falls away from me when I enter into prayer and fellowship with Him in His word. It is so satisfying and real to me that I hunger for it. This is how I know that I am HIs – because He Satisfies me like no other. He helps me pull away from the worldly things that do NOT satisfy – and brings me to that quiet place where I hear His voice being spoken to me in His Word. The Spirit (Holy Spirit) brings to bear on my mind the things I need to remember.

These are the things that fall away.

1. Fear – How can I fear something that could happen – that is happening – or may never happen – when I am trust in the sovereign God of the universe? I can’t! Fear falls away when I trust in my father who controls everything anyway.

2. Insecurites – God allows insecurities – so that He can crush them with his all consuming presense and faithfulness.

3. Unrest – Situations with people  – can tempt us to be anxious. BUT – how can I be anxious when God is filling me up with Peace? I can’t!

4. Sin – Sin should become more and more a rarety – rather than a constant. I am to become more like Jesus. (which by the way – I can’t do – it has to be HIS work) Sin should never characterize a true believer -but rather a willing casting off of my sin. PURITY and PEACE replace the sin.


God wants to satisfy me. I – left to my own ways – will become depressed and sad because that is what the world brings. God wants to satisfy me with HIMSELF first, then He can and will bring good “things” into our lives. Otherwise we have a tendency to “worship” things rather than God.


If not – then perhaps you need to be rightly saved through repentance of your sin and faith in Jesus! Then He will lead you to this watering place that does satisfy. He is wonderful and so filling! PURSUE Him – not the stuff that the world offers. Make sure He is the first priority – not the junk of this world.

Tim Gowens

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The Mercy and Goodness of God

You know… I am continually amazed at the Mercy and the goodness of God. I see it so many times in my own life when I have sinned and God is so quick to forgive me and bring me back. Also I see it in the life of others who sin as well.

God is good. This is His heart toward those whom He choose before the world was ever created. He will love those who He chooses to love – Yes even when we sin against Him! WOW this is ME sometimes. I sometimes sin and know that I am sinning – and He still brings me back to a loving relationship if I repent and turn from my sin.

Sin always is trying to take me away from the Fountain of Knowing the Lord and all that comes with knowing Him – to the dry hot desert of sin. I feel terrible when I sin. I feel dry and sad inside. I am pull to depression and loneliness and it hurts. All this for my SIN!

But God is waiting for me to repent – to turn – to stop and all this is because He is GOOD toward those whom He has chosen. WOW what an awesome God we serve.

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Blessings come to us wrapped in Difficulties

The Lord says

“When something in your life or thoughts makes you anxious, come to Me and talk about it.  Bring Me your prayer and petition with thanksgiving saying:

“Thank You, Jesus, for this opportunity to trust You more”.  Though the lessons of trust that you send to us come wrapped in difficulties, the benefits far outweigh the cost.

Well-developed trust will bring you many blessings, not the least of which is My Peace.  I have promised to keep you in perfect Peace to the extent that you trust in Me.  The world has it backwards, teaching that peace is the result of having enough money, possessions, insurance, and security systems.  My Peace, however, is such an all-encompassing gift that it is independent of all circumstances.  Though you lose everything else, if you gain My Peace you are rich indeed.”

Philippians 4:6; Isaiah 26:3

I just wanted to reach out and tell you that you are loved.

Peace is yours

This is from my Mother – Miriam Peterson. She encouraged me by this.

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Under the Shadow of God’s Wings

Ps 57 :1

Be merciful to me, O God, be Merciful to me! For my soul trust in You; And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge.

David was in a cave being pursued by Saul. To any bible student -they would have an understanding of what the situation was with David and for this blog post – I will not go into that.

You know, sometimes I find myself in a cave so to speak.  Have you ever felt like you were there – in a dark cave – surrounded by cold wet walls – in the Dark? Sometimes life becomes bizarre. We as God’s children experience all kinds of various trials and situations that are – well… Weird! But in spite of it all – to those who have come to the place where they understand that God is SOVEREIGN and in COMPLETE control – these will come to the place of Trust. This is the ONLY place of comfort for the believer. Apart from learning to trust God – we are just as messed up as any non-christian. But how can someone come to trust God when they do not know about His Sovereignty? I say that they can’t. If God is sovereign – then I can rest, for I know that His nature is only Good – Just – Kind – loving – sure – faithful to provide – stronger than any situation… and on and on I could go.

So how do we abide as David did –  in this cold wet cave – where his life was at stake from the pursuit of Saul – trusting in God?

We Praise Him. We lift Him UP! A truly godly person wants God’s glory to be exhibited more that he wants his own personal problems to be solved. 

There is rest under the shadow of God’s Sovereing Wings? Be still and know that HE is God and praise Him in the caves of life.

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